Chapter 8 - Fly

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Briar and Cordelia sat in the library helping each other revise for their care of magical creatures assessment. It had been a week since she met with Dumbledore and things were stranger than ever.

As if it wasn't bad enough having Tom Riddle and his gang on her case already, now an all mighty powerful wizard appeared to be studying her under a magnifying glass as well.

But what would they find if they even started digging? Sure they'd discover she was a faerie, but was there really much else? Briar didn't even know a lot of things about herself, she didn't know about her ancestry or where her magic came from. She knew her magical history was dark, and the enchantment that was placed upon came from a long line of magic only her family had access too, at least that's what her parents told her before they died. She was just as much an enigma to herself than she was to any of the magical folk at Hogwarts.

Regardless of her lack of knowledge about her own history, she knew she couldn't reveal herself to anyone. She'd be locked away and studied like one of those lab rats. Being labelled as the only one of her kind left would add a large target to the faeries back. Perhaps she should just continue her life as a witch? It would be the easiest, but Briar knew there would always be a part of her that longed to live the life of the fae. She had hope that when Grindelwald was defeated, there'd be a chance she could fly once more.

Lost in her thoughts, she barely registered the students walking past her in their sporting uniforms.

"Why are they dressed like that?" Briar asked Cordelia confused.

"Like what? In their Quidditch uniforms? Briar you do know what Quidditch is don't you?" Cordelia asked her in shock.

"No, I've never heard of it. Is that what that ugly stadium is for?" Briar asked coldly, she felt as though Cordelia thought she was daft.

"It's a sport, today's game is Slytherin vs Ravenclaw, honestly Emeralds do you not talk to anyone besides me?" Cordelia watched Briar as she tensed up. "Hey don't fret, I'm sorry, we'll go down to the pitch and watch together!" She said with a smile as she wrapped an arm around the redhead.

Briar knew she needed to start paying more attention to wizarding culture. What sort of a witch would not know what Quidditch is?

The duo headed down to the quidditch pitch, when Briar heard her name being called from behind.

"Emeralds!" An excited Aleks Avery was running towards her in his Slytherin quidditch uniform. Of course he played, Briar thought.

"Come to watch today's game have you?" he smirked at the faerie as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they continued to walk. Briar would be lying if she said her heart didn't change it's beating pattern just a little bit.

"I've never watched a quidditch game before," she confessed to the boy.

"Well if it's your first time, I'll make it a good one for you," Aleks winked at her as he ran ahead toward the field. His mid length hair blowing in the light breeze.

"You think he's cute!" Cordelia gushed, "He likes you, why don't you go for it?"

"Because he's friends with Tom and I do not trust him or his motives," Briar told Delia outright.

"He seems like he genuinely likes you though, you know I specialise in love magic? If you need a kickstart I can work my magical hands for you!" Cordelia laughed.

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