Through The Storm

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One Month Later

"For the last time, I said no Kenway!" I huffed as Kenway made his way down the steps of my ship.

"Come on Kidd, maybe Evelyn will be there!" Kenway coaxed.

I rolled my eyes "If I see Thatch I'll have his damned head."

Kenway chuckled and shrugged. He had agreed to meet Thatch at Nassau for some "important information" all bull shit if you ask me. Apparently, Thatch was going to retire soon, the married life proved to be good to him.

Lucky bastard.

There were a ton of ships docked about Nassau, the pirate island has been overrun with royal guards.

"I'll wait for you here." I sat on the steps, Kenway shook his head.

"Don't say I didn't try Kidd," Kenway scoffed "Also you look like shit, you gotta stop drinking like a fish."

Here we go a fucking gain.

For the past couple of weeks, I had been waking up with the worst hangovers of my life. I had to fill the void somehow and assassinating templars just wasn't enough anymore.

"You know she probably feels worse than you." Kenway patted my back.

"I know." I sighed.

It was silent for a while until Kenway and his big mouth had to fill the peace.

"Did you want to settle down?" he asked.

He would ask me questions about Evie ever so often, he was careful though as it was a sensitive subject.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I sighed.

Evelyn was the one for me, I wanted everything with her. I would've given up the assassin life, I would've put my life of plundering behind me. I wanted a family with her, a nice house, and stupid little kids. To dance with her, to listen to her laugh, to see her smile.

It hurt me more than anything to know I would never have that, it would always be a dream.

"Well I'm off, I'll be back with the information." Kenway waved as he hopped onto the dock of Nassau and left me with my daydream of Evelyn Thatch.


Cannon fire, that's all I heard when the ship started to rock violently. The gunfire followed shortly after, above me it sounded like an all-out war. My brother had told me to stay in my cabin while he and an associate handled some business, from the sound of it the whole plan went up in flames.

"Miss Thatch! We need to leave the Revenge!" a crewmate screamed as he busted through my door. I nodded and took the man's hand but it suddenly went limp.

His body hit the ground with a loud thump and in his place stood a royal guard with a large silver cutlass. He looked me up and down, past me like I wasn't a person. Like he already knew what he wanted to do with me.

"Please, just let me go." I pleaded as I reached down and took my fallen crewmates sword.

"You are, stunning." he inched closer, his weapon was still drawn and fixed on me.

I raised my sword, I would fight to the death before I allowed this sick man to do whatever he wanted to me.

"I will- ugh!" he groaned before he fell forward and onto me. I screamed as the heavy man almost toppled me over.

"Move Lass!" a familiar blonde shouted.

"Kenway?" I said as I ran to him and out of my room.

"In the flesh, now let's get you on the Jackdaw." he said as he ushered me off the ship.

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