A Holy Bible.

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We hid amongst the bushes, just a few feet shy of the exit of the prison. Kenway had the perfect plan and it hadn't failed us yet.

"You know where to meet me, I'll see you there." Kenway whispered he looked back at me then at the two guards that stood at the exit. We emerged from the bushes and quickly subdued the guards and slid past them undetected.

We were damn good.

The two of us went our separate ways, I searched the various houses in the dead of night. Kenway gave me instructions to find a specific house and wait there until he returned with our gear and weapons.

After this, I was going to set out and find Evelyn, whatever the cost. I had heard guards speak of her being accompanied by several men in the markets. I had no clue what those people were doing to her but I either had to thank them or brutally kill them.

I found the house that Kenway described, a huge white house surrounded by trees with a large fountain in front. Not exactly hard to find if you ask me, I waited by the door and then it hit me.

I had no clue what the hell I was expecting on the other side of the door.

Fucking Kenway.

I went to knock on the door, the small dagger in my hand was drawn and ready. Just as I placed the first knock the door swung open and I was met with a familiar face.

"Mary?" I was beyond confused.

She smiled at me before she opened the door all the way, in her other hand there was a pistol.

"Were you going to shoot me?" I chuckled.

She shrugged and invited me inside, the home was humble yet still extravagant, it was obvious that Thatch had a heavy influence on decorating the place.

"Better safe than sorry, I'm guarding precious cargo." she gestured towards the couch, I sat down and believe me when I say that it was the most comfortable I had been in months.

Mary looked me up and down in disgust "They have you in that terrible potato sack, you look terrible."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to wear my stockings and powdered wig." I shut my eyes, it was like sleeping on a cloud.

Just as I felt myself drifting off I heard Mary clear her throat, I sat up to look at her.

"Your bedroom will be at the top of the stairs, to the right. You should get some sleep." She stood on her feet and helped me up as well.

I must've looked a lot worse than I felt, she looked at me with so much worry.

I shook my head "I have to leave, I need to find Evie."

Mary waved my comment off and started to walk up the stairs.

"Worry about that tomorrow, you can't look for her in this condition." she called out before she disappeared into the hallway.

I sighed before I hiked up the stairs, each step felt heavier than the next.

My mind swarmed with terrible thoughts. What if I was too late? What if my wife and our child were long gone and I would never see them?

With a heavy heart, I opened the bedroom door, the room was pitch black but I didn't mind much, I planned on falling straight asleep on a nice mattress for once.

"Tomorrow, I'll find her tomorrow." I yawned before I flopped down on the bed. I turned to my side, my heart rate spike when I saw two eyes wide and staring back at me.

The person screamed, which caused me to scream because it's not every day that something like this happens when you're half asleep.

I jumped out of bed yielding my dagger and they jumped out of bed yielding a book.

A. Fucking. Book.

"Who are you? I have a..." they looked down at the book and then back at me "holy bible and I'm not afraid to use it!"

That voice was all too familiar, it had to be her. If this was some sick dream I hoped I would never wake up.

"Evelyn? What the hell are you going to do with that book?" I laughed.

It was silent for a minute, the book was placed on the nightstand and she lit a candle. Her features were illuminated by the dim light, she looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.

"James?" she smiled before she set the candle down and crawled across the bed to me. She wrapped her arms around me and tried to pull me closer, but was stopped by her baby bump.

I'm really going to be a father.

"Its good to see the both of you." I could feel the tears in my eyes. She moved my hands from around her to her stomach.

"You feel that? It's kicking." she gushed, she looked down at her stomach as well.

Sure enough, there was movement in there, which in all honesty freaked me out. There was actually a tiny little person in there. A tiny little person that I had to protect for the rest of its life, I couldn't wait to meet our child.

"You know, this is the first time it's moved. I was getting worried." She said softly and wrapped her arms around my neck, I could tell she was trying hard not to cry.

"I was so scared James, I thought I lost you forever." her hands rested on my face.

I held her close "Never again Evelyn, I promise to protect this family with my life."

Just like that, I was home. With Evelyn laying on my chest as we slept, she held me tight even in her sleep, I held her close as well.

We would never be apart again, I swear it on my life. 

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