Alternate Ending (Bad Ending)

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 Hello lovely people, its me Salem and I remember as I was writing His Pirate Princess the first time I was accused of copying. I then scrapped everything and started over. 11k reads later and I just want to thank you all! For sticking with me, for the lovely comments(Which are hilarious you all make my day!), and for reading. When the I was beginning to end this story it was going to get dark. But several of you pleaded that I make it a happy ending so I did! What you are about to read is the "bad ending" the original. I hope you enjoy, I remember being so sad while writing. 


"Quiet you daft old man!" I whispered harshly at Kenway who crouched behind me, I peered around the corner to see two guards standing about and chatting.

Edward scoffed "What are we waiting for? I'm ready to get out of this place." He argued as he waddled in front of me with a shiv in hand, I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed; we took out the two guards with ease.

With eagle vision it was easy to track Evie's whereabouts, just around the corner was the love of my life and our child.

With careful steps and shaky breaths, we carefully walked forward, I cursed this situation. The tremendous guilt of having my love and our baby imprisoned for what was supposed to be a joyous experience.

"Think she'll love my outfit?" I asked, my nerves taking ahold of me.

Kenway let out a dry chuckle "You look dashing as always...Anne!" He exclaimed as he opened Anne's cell with the keys we borrowed.

I took a deep breath as I walked to Evie's cell, she lay in the corner of the cell groaning in pain but looked as if she were unconscious. Her brown hair had grown a tremendous length; her white clothes were dirtied but she still looked beautiful to me.

"Evie!" I gasped as my shaky hands opened her cell and knell down beside her. She slowly opened her eyes, tears instantly flooded them.

"James?" Her soft voice called out, that British accent that I had come to adore was music to my ears.

I caressed her face, she was cold to the touch and tears flooded from her eyes "Our baby James, they took him from me." She sobbed.

My eyes widened in fear, anger, sadness. Hell every emotion hit me at once with indescribable force.

Anne cried out in Labor pains as Edward ushered her out to the getaway boat where Ah Tabi waited.

"We're getting outta here lass." I managed to say as I helped her up, she groaned in pain.

"Search everywhere!" A guard shouted from the distance.

Evelyn's breath was shaky "'s no good."

Don't be daft love.

"Don't talk like that Evie!" I said as I shook my head in disbelief, I pit her arm around my neck for better support.

There's no way in hell I'm letting her go, not now when we're so close!

"Look everywhere!" Another shout echoed in the halls.

"Please Kidd." She sobbed.

My head was plagued with negative thoughts and tears dared form in my eyes.

"There's no way I'm leaving you here! I love you Evelyn!" I exclaimed as I carried her bridal style.

She was so cold, as I held her she slipped in and out of consciousness. I've seen her like this once before, defeated like when we were separated.

This time she lost fight and I can't...I can't stomach it.

The shouts grew louder, I felt Evie's hand on my cheek "Let me down Kidd."

And I did.


"James Kidd, oh how I love you." I managed to say through the tears, held my hand tight as tears escaped his eyes.

He shook his head in disbelief "I can't live without you Evelyn, not again."

My heartaches for him, for our child, I felt little for myself.

The world itself was keeping us apart at every turn of our lives, almost as if we were never meant to be. Every moment together, every tender moment was us proving this big wide world wrong.

"I will never regret they day I met you, the day I became your wife. That was us James, just us." My eyes searched his as pain wracked my body.

"It will be just us Evie, stay with me." He held me close.

His warmth, something I know I'll miss "Don't go forgetting about me Kidd, you can't drink me away with rum. Promise me."

He let out a sad laugh "How could I forget someone as stubborn as you?"

I smiled and closed my eyes "I'll haunt you. You bastard."

"I love you." He kissed my cheek, although it felt faint.


"I love you t-

I sobbed as the shouts grew close, I picked up Evelyn and quickly made my way to the ship.

My vision was clouded by hot tears, I lost her.

The one person in my life that I loved more than anything.

"What wrong with Evelyn?" Anne called out, as I rested her body in the boat. I wanted her to be in Tulum for the burial, she loved the island so much.

Edward wore a shocked expression that was quickly followed by sadness.

"She gone." I said quietly.

Ah Tabi handed me my robes and effects "What will you do Kidd? We'll see to it that she has a proper burial."

"I'll find our son after the burial." I said.

"She's in a better place Kidd." He offered his condolences, my chest felt empty.

I held Evelyn as we departed, Anne went through labor pain the whole way and Edward left us as soon as he escaped.

On Tulum the whole village saw to Anne and a tremendous burial took place for Evelyn, she looked beautiful but still I wished she was next to me. Alive and giving me the most hypnotic gazes, with that laugh of hers.

I could never forget her; I love her too much.

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