James In A Daze

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"James, you seem to be in a daze." Kenway said.

He sat across from me at the table, he took a swig from his mug as he expressed his concerns.

"Not ina daze mate, just thinkin'. I shrugged off Kenway's concerns as I looked at the beautiful waters that were far away from where we sat at the tavern.

She left in such a hurry, left me with the biggest mystery of all time.

I took a huge gulp of the burning liquid, the music pulsed through the floor of the open tavern, as the bustling sounds of conversations and laughter bled through my thoughts.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life bless her mother and father.

"Captain Thatch, as I live and breathe. And what is this magnificent muzzle you've cultivated?" Vane said upon EdThatch sauntering down the steps.

"Why fly a black flag when a black beard will do? What brings you, two gents, this far North?"

"Word is the Cuban Governor is fixing to receive a mess of gold from a nearby fort. Until then it's just sitting there, itching to be took." Vane proposed as Rackham exhaled from his pipe a cloud of white going up in the air.

"Governor Torres himself eh? Sounds promising." Kenway replied.

Thatch took hold of a mug full of rum "Welcome to Nassau, Captain Vane. Mister Rackham." He handed the bottle to Vane and gave Rackham the look of distaste as the pair walked away.

"Oy, Kidd. What brings you ta Nassau?" Thatch asked as he looked at me.

I had been up in the clouds dreaming about the girl I had seen just hours before.

"Takin' a break from the sea I suppose." I said as I placed my mug of rum on the countertop.

Thatch nodded.

"Haven't seen you around here often lad. A kid as Captain Kidd now that's a laugh!"

"Aye, when I was his age the sea was the least of my concerns. I was hoping from lass to lass." Kenway laughed along with Thatch.

The two of them had had their fair share of women in their lives, they wouldn't let anyone forget when they were on their drunken monologues.

"I don't have time to chase but there was this one lass earlier today."

"Yeah and what of her?" Ed asked, Kenway stopped mid-sip to hear my answer.

"Didn't give me a second thought." I shrugged.

They both scoffed.

"You win and you lose mate. Probably wasn't worth tha time." Thatch spewed his drunken wisdom as he sauntered down the steps, he said his goodbyes before he disappeared into the night of nightlife of Nassau.

After Thatch left Kenway began to prod with his endless questions. Kenway was a dear friend of mine and despite his terrible advice I still was eager to listen.

"Who's this lass your on about? She's got you blue." Kenway asked.

I sighed before reluctantly responding.

"This angel from Bristol of all places. I'm certain we've never seen here round 'ere before." I sighed once again before I crossed my arms.

"One of those fancy English eh?" Kenway laughed.

"Shut up."

Kenway took a long sip from his mug and wiped his mouth, god knows the man was drunker than a dying sailor by now.

"I will aid in this quest for young love. Where does she live?" He asked.

The annoyance of that question set in, I had no clue. It's like she appeared out of thin air and when she disappeared she did so like a damn ghost.

"I don't know, we barely talked."

"And you're this up in arms? Jaysus Kidd, do you finish this fast as well?"

I went to hit Kenway but decided against it, even in his drunken state he was still a force to be reckoned with. He was right, well, not in that aspect but he was right about me being too up in arms.

I wish I had talked to her for a bit longer but then again the lass ran away in a hurry. There was also the possibility of her being scared of pirates and criminals alike.

Who could blame her?

"Well, I guess we'll go out and find her then. Nassau's not that big a place." Kenway said as he nudged my arm.

His optimism was annoying at times.

"Shouldn't you be going after that fort Kenway?" Wouldn't want Thatch to beat ya to it now would ya?" I said as I slapped him on the back harder than I should've and made my way down the tavern steps.

"I was just trying to help!" Kenway called after me.

I waved my hand in the air and continued to head out.

I wondered what her name was, it would have to be something beautiful to match her face. I swear that girl was like an angel that came outta nowhere. She appeared from the streets of Nassau and right now the streets were much more lively than before.

No one had a care to give in Nassau. Me on the other hand? At times I felt I had too many.

I neared the docks, the moonlight shined down on the waves as they gently crashed upon the sides of the famed ship The Queen Anne's Revenge.

Thatch was a crazy bastard but his ship was probably the most beautiful ship I had ever seen. I could also make out Thatch in the distance and as I got closer I could hear that he was in the middle of screaming at a member of his crew.

"And you're telling me she just snuck past ya?" Thatch shouted I could hear the fury in his voice from this far.

"Captain we went to check on her b-but she's back now sir I swear it!" the man practically bowed his head at Thatch, if I were him I would be scared of losing it.

Thatch reached in his coat and I was sure that I was about to watch a man take his final breaths. Instead, he pulled out an object and handed it to the man.

"You are to lock Evelyn's door until I get back. You disappoint me again, it will be the last time boy." he spat before he stormed off in the other direction.

The man let out a big sigh before he walked back onto the ship, he was no doubt thanking his lucky stars that Thatch was feeling generous.

I was confused, who the hell was Evelyn and why is Thatch keeping her locked up?

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