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"It's better to drown than to wait to be hung!"

"On and over the mountain!"

My head pounded as I sat up on a bed that was not my own, the sun shined through the thin white curtains and the sound of waves softly crashing against the ship were almost enough to soothe me back to sleep.

The crew was louder than usual this morning.

"Wait a minute, the crew?" I groaned and stood to my feet, my corset from the night before was completely removed and while I was grateful for that contraption to be off of me I was worried.

Is it so much to ask to NOT be held captive or kidnapped?

I was on a ship that was for sure, it appeared to be the captain's quarters with books piled high. Swords, pistols and a black flag decorated the walls. In the study area, there was a chair with a bottle of rum at the foot of it. I picked up one of the books with the worn cover.

"Hamlet, interesting choice." I said to myself as I set the book back down on the chair.

Whoever reads this book has great taste in literature, which reminded me.

Have I gotten kidnapped again?

"Knock knock" I heard a voice say from the other side of the rich wooden door.

My heart jumped, it wasn't the governor that's for sure. I grabbed one of the books from one of the many piles and readied myself behind the door.

The door opened slowly as the person stepped into the room, without thinking I slapped the person on the back with the book I had.

"Ouch! The hell was that for?" he said, I gasped when I saw it was James.

I couldn't contain my excitement, I threw my book onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him. James laughed as he returned the hug.

"Did you just hit me with the holy bible?" he said in between laughs.

I looked back at the book, the black cover was worn and the pages had long since yellowed.

"I guess I did." I blushed.

It was remarkable to me how this one person had these powers over me, I could be scared for my life and just by seeing his face I knew everything would be okay. All my worries went out of the window as I looked at James, well that is until I remembered why I got taken in the first place.

I pulled away from his warm embrace and lightly [unced him in the chest. He was muscular underneath all that attire, a theory I hoped to test on another day.

"You're violent today." he laughed as he rubbed his chest

"You're an assassin." I said simply, James' demeanor changed

The smile on his face faded into a frown, he gestured for me to take a seat on his bed and I obliged.

"I am a part of a creed, we don't kill senselessly. We only go after those who seek to maintain control over the world."

Like my brother, ensuring whatever justice he can even if it's done violently. I couldn't hate him for it, especially if it was to save the world.

"Is that all?" I said, he wore a shocked expression at my reaction.

He nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"That's wonderful." I said before I hugged him. I could feel him exhale a huge sigh of relief.

His Pirate PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant