Let Me In

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When we finally docked in Kingston Evelyn refused to leave my room. She wouldn't let anyone in, she didn't eat, I don't even know if she slept.

We all knew she cried.

Better yet she sobbed, all throughout the night and in the daytime too. Sometimes when the waves were still and the crew was silent you could hear her sniffling and crying out.

It pained me because I couldn't do anything. She didn't want me there, she didn't want much of anything anymore.

"James." Kenway called out, I turned around to see a tuckered out Kenway, yawning as he made his way up the steps.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, something he just loved doing these days. He reminded me of a father but I would never tell him that. In fact, I regret even thinking that.

"You should go to her Kidd." he coaxed.

I shook my head "She won't let me in."

Kenway let out a huff and sat down on a barrel behind me.

"Sometimes we push people away even when we need them the most." Kenway said, his features hardened and that once happy cheerful man became sullen.

"Go to her." he said before he stood up and left the ship.

I took a deep breath, more air than what I needed if I was being honest. I made my way to the door, I couldn't hear anything on the inside. I raised my fist to the door and knocked, my heart was racing.

"Evie?" I called out.

I waited for what felt like hours until I heard her weak voice from the other side of the door.

"Come in."

I held my breath as I twisted the knob, the door had been unlocked this entire time.

The room was dark but there were books strewn about, some were open while others were sealed shut. I hadn't a doubt in my mind that she read the ones that were closed.

The bed was made and on the floor were a pair of scissors.

My heart that was once racing dropped.

Evelyn sat in the window sill with her arms wrapped around her knees. She looked out the window with tears streaks staining her cheeks. Her once long hair was cut to her shoulders, she didn't look at me but I know she could sense my shock.

"Evelyn are you-

"I was so terrible to him James." she said, her voice was tiny and free of any emotion. It frightened me to hear someone with so much life be so dead.

I walked to her, here I could see the tears falling more steadily.

"Listen to me Lass, you could not have known how fate would unfold." I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek.

"I just wish," my voice wavered "I wish I could say goodbye and that I am so, so sorry."

She started to sob and I embraced her, she sobbed into my chest and I stroked her hair. I wanted nothing more than to just be there for her.

"Tomorrow will be a better day." I said as I kissed her forehead.

She sniffled "James can we leave? We could go to Tulum."

I nodded "Yes, yes of course Evie."

She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. A small smile was on her lips now as she placed her dainty hand on my face.

"I love you so much James Kidd and I'm sorry for shutting you out." she said as she placed a small kiss on my lips.

"I love you too Evelyn Kidd and I'm sorry for not busting the door down."

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