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"What are you going to do with me?" I asked the guard as he closed our cell. My hands felt so small against the large metal bars.

The guard grimaced at me and spat at the ground.

"Dirty pirate. Lights out!" he banged his gun against the bars and walked away.

I sat next to Anne, I had been placed in a cell with her ever since I was taken from Tulum. She was brave, she reminded me of Eddy.

"We're stuck here lass. Now I saw how you looked at James Kidd, are you telling me that he's fathering that child in your belly?" she asked, well she had been asking for weeks now but I didn't want to tell anyone. I wanted to keep James and our baby safe. I feared what they would do to me if they knew who the father was.

"James is my husband." I said quietly as I stared down at my feet. Fear rushed through me when I acknowledged that I would soon struggle to see my feet. Our child would be born into this terrible dirty place and I couldn't do anything about it.

I wanted James, he would find a way to make everything okay.

Anne took my hand in hers "We'll get out of here Evelyn, all four of us."

She smiled at me, I couldn't return her optimism.

"I hope so Anne."


"You can't do this! She's innocent and with child!"I shouted at the bastard guards shut the door to our cell.

"Calm yourself Kidd!" Kenway tried to console me but I was in no mood.

Calm myself? Oh, Kenway you have another thing coming.

"You want me to be calm? My wife is somewhere in this hell hole pregnant with my child and you want me to be calm? I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Kenway laughed "My fault? That's rich Kidd, you're the one that left her!"

"I left to help my friend! Not knowing it was a mission for his own selfish gain!" I balled my fist.

It was Kenway, always Kenway with his silly get rich quick missions. This time it cost me my life and the life of my family.

"That isn't- fuck." Kenway sighed and he sat on the straw-covered floor.

"I've failed her so many times and just when I thought I had everything right I fucked up again." I said softly, I sat down on the floor.

There was a heavyweight on my shoulders and there was no way for me to lift it, I was stuck.

"James you didn't fail. I didn't think it would happen like this." Kenway picked up a piece of straw and started to shape it.

This whole mission I had thought about fatherhood, how I would be better than my father. How Evelyn would make the perfect mother. We would have lived happily on Tulum, but that was just a daydream. Reality was back and more fatal than the last time.

"My child's first breath of air will be in a cell. They will be torn away from their mother and she will hang. That kid will never know its mother, never get to meet the most marvelous woman I've ever met." hot tears dared to fall from my eyes.

I remembered meeting her, how she danced on the beach, her voice as she sang on the balcony. How she reacted to her first drink, our wedding and how beautiful she looked.

She liked to do my hair, I loved it when she read to me or when she sang when she thought I wasn't paying attention.

All of that would be gone, everything would fade away and mean nothing.

"I'll get us out of here Kidd, I swear on my life." Kenway vowed but I was too far away to actually care.

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