Adventures In Nassau

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"Evelyn get away from the side of the ship, you know that's dangerous." my brother called from behind me. Still, I continued to stare at the crystal blue water as it gently crashed against the side of the Queen Anne's Revenge, the water was the only thing that dared to venture close to my brother's famed ship.

I could hear my brother grumble in frustration, he hated when I left my cabin. Having a woman aboard the ship wasn't 'good for the pirate's image' that being said: not many people knew of my existence. My brother wanted to keep it that way, in fact, his crew swore to keep my existence a secret.

The cost of breaking this oath was a little more than most were willing to pay.

"Don't get so angry Eddy, I'm moving, Jesus." I sighed as I moved to the side of my brother.

He towered over me of course, his features were much darker and harsher than my own despite his piercing blue eyes that watched the waters. His rugged calloused hands calmly held the helm as he shouted orders to his crew, he wore his large black hat with a single feather which to my surprise never blew off in the winds. A long black beard that had become a symbol completed my brother, he was the most feared renowned pirate of all time.

The notorious Blackbeard to many, just plain old Eddy to me.

"You're stubborn." he said.

I rolled my eyes "I wonder where I get that from."

Eddy chuckled a little but his smile quickly dissipated.

He had practically raised me since our mother had passed so long ago, he was all I had left and I was all he had left.

"Where are we goin' today capin?" I said while mocking the accent he had adopted, we were from bristol but years in his profession had given him the strangest colloquialisms.

Meanwhile, I sounded terribly formal and posh at all times.

He huffed in frustration, I had been guessing for hours and he gave me the same tired answer of:

"You'll see when we get there Evelyn."

This time he grumbled something underneath his breath before begrudgingly stating "Nassau."

I let out a loud sigh in protest, I hated going to Nassau more than anything. Going to Nassau meant that I couldn't leave the ship no matter what, I would have to stay in my cabin and wait for my brother to finish whatever business he had to attend to.

Nassau was a pirate island and Eddy held a firm belief that most pirates were the worst people I'd ever meet. In order to keep me "Safe and sound," I was kept a secret AND I was forced to stay cooped up on the Queen Anne's Revenge.

With any other island, I could leave the ship as long as I had a member of the crew tailing closely behind.

"Why are we going this time Ed?" I groaned and flung around like a child.

He rolled his eyes once again "None of your business lass now get to the c-

"Cabin, I know Ed, you don't have to tell me." I sighed.

I could see that we were rapidly approaching Nassau as I made my way down the steps, members of the crew waved in my direction as I headed to my cabin.

They called me princess and sometimes I felt like one with the way they treated me. They would gift me the most thoughtful things and since they barely knew what a young woman would like it always missed the mark. I cannot count how many stuffed animals or music boxes that I have in my cabin alone.

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