Familiar faces

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"Wake up!" a guard shouted as he banged on the metal bars, I lifted my head, I could never fall asleep here.

He opened the cell and put me in cuffs, he said nothing as he led me down the darkened halls.

"Where are you taking me?" I glared at the guard, I had grown to hate anyone that wore the uniform.

"I got special orders to let you see another prisoner." he begrudgingly replied.

I didn't know how many days flew by but each day I hoped to see her. I hadn't spoken to anyone, Kenway had been taken to a separate cell because he insisted on starting riots, all part of his plan.

Whatever that was because he refused to tell me.

"James?' I heard her sweet angelic voice call out I quickly ran to her despite the guard's protest.

Her hair had grown longer and her eyes seemed to glow brighter. Her face was dirty but she still remained beautiful. When she pressed her body against the metal bars she instinctively placed her hand over her stomach. She had a small bump that began to show over her dress.

How many days have gone by?

"Evelyn, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I reached out to touch her face but my shackled prevented me from doing so.

She shook her head "I'm okay James," she hesitated "James they're taking me away and I don't know why."

Worry was laced all through her tone, I felt panic set in as well but tried my best not to show it.

"Everything will be okay Evie. I promise." I said, she smiled in response.

She reached out and touched my cheek.

"It feels like I'm dreaming." she said softly,

"Well, lass you have shitty dreams." I joked, she laughed a little but it quickly dissipated.

She inched closer to the metal bars and placed my hand on her stomach, she looked at me for any sort of reaction. I was just in shock, I couldn't believe that she had life growing inside of her.

"I hope it's a boy, maybe he'll be ten times the devil his father is." she smiled.

"Alright that's enough." the guard said as he pulled me away. Evelyn reached out for me, her wedding ring glimmered in the dim light. As I was taken away another guard came to take Evelyn as well.

"Where are they taking her?" I asked.

The guard smirked, "She was sold to the highest bidder."

"I swear if any harm comes to her I will kill that bidder but not before I slaughter you." I hissed as he put me back in my cell.

"Good luck with that you filthy pirate." he chuckled.

He walked away, the keys on his belt jingled until I couldn't hear them anymore. I noticed that Kenway was back in my cell, he was calm and his demeanor was stern.

"I have a plan mate and it's a damn good one."


I was pushed into a large parlor room, it was beautiful and took me back to how the extravagant homes in Bristol looked. Eddy always said he wanted to have a home-like that when he finally retired.

There was a presence at the top of the intricate steps, I squinted. The person looked familiar, too familiar in fact. That blonde hair, those green eyes it had to be her.

"Evelyn!" she squealed as she practically flew down the steps.

"Mary!" I met her with a hug, she held me and stroked my hair.

She wore all black, no doubt still mourning my brother. Mary and Eddy had been together for years, it couldn't have been easy for her.

"You look terrible!" she laughed, tears in her eyes.

I nodded "Yes, yes I know."

I didn't realize it but there were tears in my eyes too, it felt good to see a familiar face.

"How did you get me out?" I asked as I sat down on the soft cushioned sofa.

Mary also sat, she poured each of us some tea, her eyes remained fixed on my stomach and my ever-growing baby bump.

"Well Kenway pulled some strings and I bought your freedom." she said as she handed me my saucer and teacup.

Her eyes went back to my stomach and I instinctively placed my hand on my bump.

"I'm sorry it's just, I can't believe you're with child." tears were in her eyes once again.

"We're hoping for a boy." I smiled, she nodded.

She took a sip of her tea, it was really entertaining to see a pirate-like Mary be all dainty and "proper" she was never into this kind stuff and only did it to make me happy.

"I can't wait to be an aunt," she grinned "For now you will stay with me."

I set down my cup, my safety and my childs were great but there was another member of our family missing.

"What about James and Kenway?" I asked.

Mary set down her cup as well, she rested her hand on top of my cup and handed it back to me.

"You don't have to worry Evie, everything will be fine. Now drink up before your tea gets cold." she smiled. I trusted her, she never steered my brother wrong, not once. Mary was a good person and I knew that James would be okay if she said so.

Still, I couldn't help but worry.

I brought the cup to my lips and took a sip. It was my favorite: Earl Grey but it tasted so disgusting I almost threw up.

"Baby doesn't like earl grey?" Mary laughed.

I felt disrespected in my own body, this child was rude and they weren't even born yet.

"Probably takes after its father, wanna try rum instead?" Mary teased.


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