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You walked to your where you walked up to your apartment and opened the door where you found an unpleased Wanda. "Where the hell were you?"

"I-I'm sorry uh I-I was doing my shift then Bucky and we got drunk and danced." You explained not making sence.

"What?" Wanda asked you.

You took a deep breath. "I was on my shift then Bucky came in and had me get off early I told him I should come home but...noo... and then we got drunk and danced."

"I'm going home." Wanda sighed leaving.

Bucky stuck out front and waited till your apartment light turned off, but then one was turned on.

You walked out to Brooklyn's bedroom, turning on the light. You sat down next to her bed on a light turquoise plastic . You moved one of the stubborn pieces of hair from her face, her eyes squinted open. "Mommy?"

"Hey, baby." You kissed her forehead.

"Where, you go?" She asked voice filled with sleep.

You smiled down at her. "Mommy had to go to work after you fell asleep."

"Oh, can I come into your room?" She asked.

You nodded. "Come on." You helped her out of the covers and led her to your room straight down the hall and turned off her room light. You pulled a set of out of your drawer and went to the bathroom to change. You came back in and layed on the plush white bedding. You pulled the bedding over your daughter and yourself.

"Mommy was the man from earlier my daddy?" She asked.

"We'll talk about it later." You said. "Now go to bed or we won't go to aunt Wandas tomorrow and you'll have to eat mommy's pancakes." Brooklyn rushed to pull the covers overhead just to avoid eating your pancakes. You laughed, then turned to the side and fell asleep.

The next morning when you looked up you looked over to find your daughter missing from your bed. You briskly pulled the covers away from you and ran into the hallway where you heard Brooklyn's giggles. You walked down to where your living room and kitchen, which were conjoined. You found Bucky sitting on one of your kitchen stools next to your daughter.

"Mommy!" She slid off and ran to you. "Your awake look daddy came back."

You nodded. "Yep! I can see that." You looked at your ex with an arched eyebrow, to ask why he was here. The brunet shrugged.

"Look what he brought, pancakes!" Brooklyn said in a cheery voice. "From IHOP."

"Aunt Wanda's gonna think we're traitors, for missing breakfast this morning, besides what happened with eating my pancakes?" You teased.

"Nooo! I went to sleep, besides you always burn them, make them taste weird, or flip them wrong." She complained.

"Oh, thanks for teaching me about my horrible cooking skills." Sarcasm dripping in your tone.

Brooklyn giggled. "Sorry, mommy." She smiled. "Your pancakes are the best." Her own sarcasm dripped from her tone.

You laughed. "What are you doing here?" You finally turned your attention to Bucky.

"I thought I should come check on you after last night you drank...a lot." He told you something you already knew. "And I do technically have an overall right to be here since my daughter is here."

"I-You shouldn't be here." You told him.

"How did you get one of the worst apartment buildings in all of New York looking nice?" He changed the topic.

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now