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You woke up to the sound of low mumbles, it sounded like Bucky, you had a hard furrow in your brows, your eyes opened Bucky looked up at you. "Thank god." He said. "Why would you do that?" He was surprisingly calm.

"How long was I out?" You asked.

"Two days." He answered.

You sighed. "That day wasn't good, I-I don't know why I'm feeling so shitty." Tears welled in your eyes. "It's not your fault the fight wasn't we wouldn't have fought if I didn't drunk that night."

"I don't care about the fight, I just wanna know why you did this to yourself?" Bucky asked, sadness dripping from his tone.

"I just dunno, I'm a horrible mother, I can't fucking protect Brooklyn nomatter what I try and do, I don't feel like me any more, not after John, I also suck as a fiancé I got mad at you for no reasion." You started crying.

"Shh, none of this is your fault." Bucky told you. "You're not a horrible mother nore fiancé." Bucky told you, he cupped your face. "I'm sorry that you thought suicide was your only thing you could do."

"How's Brooklyn?" Y0u asked.

Bucky scratched the back of his head. "She's uh fine, she doesn't know about this, but before you see her I want you to see a therapist for a little while."

"Bucky-" You got cut off.

"No Y/n I need you to, do this for Brooklyn and me, I need you to get help." Bucky asked. "I'll make sure you're well taken care of-" before he continued you cut him off.

"You're not gonna just have me see some therapist, you're gonna have me go to a psychiatric hospital aren't you?" You asked him.

He nodded, biting his bottom lip with nerves. "Yeah." He looked down. "Just for a little while to get you help I won't let anything happen to you or Brooklyn."

You looked up at him, tears had gathered in your eyes. "You're a good dad, and fiancé." You smiled. "Yeah I think I should go."

"Love you, thanks for doing this for us." He thanked you.

"I'm gonna take a good guess they're already here?" You artched your brow, he nodded. "At least let me say bye to Brooklyn. I know you don't want me talking to her but at least bye."

"I'm not gonna deny you, her mother, saying goodbye." He said, Bucky helped you out of bed, he led you out to the living room, he told the guys from the hospital to hold off for a minute.

"Mommy!" Brooklyn smiled running up to you. "Daddy and Sam wouldn't let me come see you."

You nodded. "Yeah I know, look mama's gotta go for a little while until she feels better mommy's sick right now and needs to get better."

She frowned. "Are you gonna miss my first day of school? You don't look sick."

You nodded. "Yeah, I won't be there but Daddy and Sam will take pictures and lots of videos for me to see. I'm a different kind of sick, mommy's not as happy as she's been and I need to get better for you and daddy, I'll see you in a few weeks." You told her and they were led out by the guy's Bucky followed you, and Brooklyn followed him.

You knew Bucky wouldn't let you go anywhere horrible, so you knew what this hospital would look like, it would be nice, and you wouldn't have to worry about anything weird going on at this place.

When you got to the facility you had to fill out paperwork and also do a medical check up. The doctor paused when she was doing your check up. "On here you said you hadn't had a cycle for a few weeks."

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now