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Months later, Pierce sat in his office with John across from him. "I've got Barnes in a spot where I can get two officers I have under my thumb to arrest Barnes, you can get him 'arrested' for killing your friend, we can also get Y/n arrested as 'an accomplice'."

"You think that can work?" John asked.

"Of course." Pierce told him, as he picked up the phone on his desk. "Hello I need Police officers Sitwell and Rollins, tell them that Mr. Goodwin Pierce needs them."

Twenty minutes later the two officers walked through the doors. "What do you need, boss."
"Barnes and His girl to be arrested for murder and witness to murder." He said.

Sitwell arched his brow. "What about the kid?"

"DCFS, Her father is literally a mob boss, it can't be that hard." He told them. "Go head over there as an unannounced visit."

It was a Saturday morning and you and Brooklyn were watching TV while Bucky was working. Brooklyn had her head resting on the swell of your now bulging stomach, when there was a knock at the door, you got up, but at first your walk was more of a waddle, You opened the door to find two police officers. "Ma'am, my partner and I are here to do a surprise visit."

"Hold on, let me go get my fiancé." You said and then closed the door. You ran up stairs to Bucky's office. "Um, wanna let you know two police officers are here to do a surprise visit."

Bucky nodded, then did up his shirt again, as he put the suit jacket over it then he walked down stairs with you, you went back to the living room while he answered the door.

"I need to see your badges." Bucky said, they pulled them out, Bucky took a look at them. "Fine." He let them in, as they looked around. "Why are you here, what tip did you get?"

Sitwell-the bald one- looked to the couch where Brooklyn and you sat. "I'd prefer to talk to you and your fiancé alone about it."

"No, she has nothing to do with anything you think you might have heard." Bucky got defensive.

"We've gotta talk to her." Sitwell told him.

"Fine." Bucky bit out. "Sam take them to my office." Sam led them up the stairs. "Y/n, we gotta go talk to them up in the office."

You sighed and got off the couch again. "Clint watch Brooklyn." You turned to Bucky. "I swore you'd have an elevator or something." He gave you an apologetic smile.

You both walked into the office where the police were sitting in two leather chairs. "We have reason to believe you Mr. Barnes have committed a murder, and that Mrs. Y/l/n was witness to it."
"You're shitting us." Bucky said. "No, Y/n was never witness to a murder and I never comitted any."

"Hmm, well a Brock Rumlow has been missing for months now." They told both of you. "Also Lemar Hoskins was killed and John Walker witnessed."

"Then fucking arrest him, I killed Hoskins in self defence, there was a gun pouinted at my five year old." He told them.

"What the fuck when were you gonna tell me about this." You asked wide eyed.

"As for Rumlow no fucking clue where he is." Bucky said with a clenched jaw.

"We'll look into it, as for now James Barnes, and So-" Sitwell was cut off.

"Fine I killed Rumlow, Y/n didn't know about it, so you can't arrest her." Bucky told them.

"James Barnes you are under arrest for the murder of Brock Rumlow." Sitwell arrested him.

As he was arrested Bucky locked eyes with you. "Y/n promised me you will take care of Brooklyn, yourself and J.J, promise me."

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now