alone again

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  Denali opened her locker with a sigh and glanced inside looking for her chemistry book. She hated chemistry and it seemed to hate her too since she was terrible at it. She slowly made her way to the class, not wanting to get there early, but also not wanting to get there late. Chemistry stressed her out, she was awful at, and to make matters worse, none of her friends had it at the same time as her. She walked into the room, made her way to her seat and stared at her open chem book without taking in any of its content. She was so deep in thought about how much she hated the class when the late bell interrupted her thoughts. She jumped slightly causing the blonde girl next to her to snicker. Denali rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing from embarrassment. If there was one thing Denali hated more than chemistry itself, it would be the people in the class.

  Denali wasn't necessarily a loner, but she didn't enjoy the company of many people. She had a handful of friends. Fine she had 2 close friends, but Olivia and Kahmora were all that she needed. Chemistry moved by painfully slowly with Denali watching the clock the whole time. When the bell finally rang she jumped up and practically ran out of the class. She made her way to her locker, dumped her chemistry book in, and closed it before heading to her final class of the day. Denali loved this class because both Kahmora and Olivia were in it. She walked into her math class and sat at her usual seat waiting for her friends to show up. While she waited she took out her phone and took the opportunity to scroll through instagram.

  "hey girl," she heard a voice from behind her say. Denali looked up from her phone to see a girl with long curly hair and a huge grin sitting down beside her.

"liv!" she said excitedly. The girls exchanged a smile and filled each other in on everything that had happened to them since lunch. Kahmora came in late as per usual and apologized to Miss. Iman before sitting down. Miss. Iman didn't seem to care the Kahmora was late. Miss. Iman loved Kahmora and who could blame her, it was almost impossible not too. The girl was drop dead gorgeous and funny.

"15 minutes," Denali stated "a new record."

"Oh shut up," kahmora joked with a wink.

When math finally ended the girls headed out together

"-and why were you late today?" Olivia was asking Kahmora jokingly because the girls already knew her answer.

"The usual," Kahmora answered batting her eyelashes at Olivia who smiled but looked concerned. Olivia and Denali exchanged a look which didn't go unnoticed by Kahmora.

"What now?" she asked "You're making weird faces."

"We just don't wanna see you get hurt," Olivia answered " You've been hanging out with this guy for almost two months," Olivia explained while Denali made kissy faces behind her. Kahmora rolled her eyes.

"-and he still hasn't tried to make it official or taken you out in a real date," Olivia continued.

"Just be careful," Denali added. Kahmora pretended to be annoyed at their advice but the girls knew she valued their opinions. It was one of the reason the girls were such good friends they all valued honesty. Kahmora may be the sarcastic, glamorous one; Olivia the sweetheart, and Denali focused one but they all clicked together nicely and somehow worked. Sure, Kahmora had a ton of friends and was way more popular than the other two but it didn't matter. Olivia might be a social floater whom everybody loved but that didn't matter. Denali might slightly be a nobody with only two friends but that didn't matter to the group either. As long as the girls were honest with each other about their feelings they were perfect. 

"Alright bitches, this is where I leave you," Kahmora said dramatically and headed to the drama room. Olivia and Denali kept walking towards the junior parking lot. 

"The three of us should hang out this weekend," Olivia was saying "It's been a hot second."

"Agreed," Denali nodded "its been too long."

"Text me when you get home!" Olivia called over to Denali as she turned towards her car.

"Of course Olivia, you worry too much" she replied. As soon as Denali got in her car and closed the door she felt her smile fade softly because as much as she pretended to like it she hated being alone. She pulled out of the school parking lot and drove to the ice skating rink in silence making sure to text Olivia when she got there and when she was finished with practice an hour and a half later. When she finally pulled into her driveway, she texted Olivia (again) and walked up to her front door. 

"I'm home!" she called as she entered looking around to see if her dad was somehow home even though his car hadn't been in the driveway when she arrived. When she got no response she went into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter that her dad left saying the usual. 'I'm on a business trip and I won't be home until Monday, etc. etc.' Denali knew she should be grateful for her dad working and how fortunate they were but sometimes she wished she had less things and a dad who was around more often. Denali ate some mac and cheese and then did her math home work in silence.  She showered, crawled into bed and opened her group chat with Olivia and Kahmora

Denali: my dad's out again do you guys wanna sleep over tomorrow:/

Kahmora: yessss, ofc

Kahmora: we should go to symone's party first;)

Denali: eww, people

Olivia: LOL

Olivia: come on nals it'll be fun

Denali sighed she hated large gatherings of people but after a few drinks she always had fun

Denali: fine, but i'm not the designated driver

Kahmora: me either

Olivia: lol guys like it wouldn't be me

Denali chuckled to herself, both she and Kahmora knew that Olivia didn't drink.

Kahmora: gn hoes, i need my beauty sleep

Denali: yeah you do:)

Kahmora: the shade:(

Denali: omgg just kidding you know i love you

Olivia: goodnight girlss <3

Denali: night xx

Denali made sure her alarm was set for the following morning before plugging in her phone and. rolling onto her side. As she tried to sleep she felt herself begin to smile despite herself as she thought about the upcoming party.

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