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  Things had been really good for Denali recently. Her life seemed to be perfect for once and that was strange to her. Denali knew from experience that once things seemed perfect, they only had one direction to go before things came crashing down.

Everything in her life had just felt so right recently. Her dad hadn't been disappearing on as many business trips these past few months. She, Olivia, and Kahmora hung out all the time and never seemed to be tired of each other. Her friend group had no recent drama, and even Crystal and Gigi were getting along for once. She had a seemingly perfect relationship with Rosé. The Rosé. The two basically never argued and even though both girls had a hard time with opening up and expressing their feelings, they clicked. Sometimes it was crazy to her that a girl as pretty and popular as Rosé would want to be with someone like her.

Denali had learned that when things seemed to good to be true, they probably were. The old Denali had this mindset for everything. The old her would have been a stressed out mess if everything in her life seemed to be going well. The old Denali would have retreated to being closed off and defensive because she knew better than everyone that things weren't what they appeared to be.

The last few times that life had been going well for Denali, things happened causing her life to crash and burn. The worst time was when her mom left last year, Denali hadn't heard from her since. That had broken Denali into a million little pieces, it had to have been the lowest moment of her life. After that Dahlia was there to pick up the pieces and when Denali finally felt whole again, Dahlia had shattered her leaving her feeling more broken and more alone than before. It had taken her forever to recover, but with the help of her dad, Olivia, and Kahmora, Denali had finally been able to piece her life back together. She promised herself that she would never let someone get close enough to hurt her again. That was until she met Rosé.

She swore that when she started dating Rosé she wouldn't let herself fall so quickly, that she wouldn't put all of her faith and trust in one person just in case things ended badly. But somehow, Rosé had made her feel safe, Rosé made her feel secure. Rosé made her feel like she was the only person that mattered in the entire world. Even though the old Denali would have stomped on the brakes and closed herself off from the world as soon as things started going well because of the fear of losing everything, the new Denali had a different approach. The new Denali wanted to keep her life from falling apart, so she decided to do everything in her power to keep her life right now the way it was. Perfect.

She was constantly thinking of ways to make her girlfriend, her dad, and her friends happy because if they stayed happy, nothing would change. She was always studying, and skating because if her grades stayed A's and her skating improved, no one could get mad at her. And that would mean that everything stayed perfect. The new Denali truly believed if she put a lot of effort into her relationships, and grades, and skating that life would stay perfect. But it couldn't because all good things have to come to an end eventually, right?

She was at school, in a bathroom when her life seemed to fall apart again. But the day had started out just like every other normal, to good to be true day.

Denali woke up when her alarm went off, feeling well rested. She had gotten dressed and worn one of her favorite outfits. A tan tennis skirt with an oversized pale blue sweater over a collared shirt. She had straightened her long, dark hair and put it in a high pony tail. She put on a pair of white vans that she had surprisingly managed to keep clean. She had done her usual makeup which was just concealer and mascara and then gone downstairs.

Her father was home and they ate breakfast together, laughing and smiling the whole time. After she finished eating she had given her dad a hug and a kiss and then grabbed her backpack and got in her car. Denali picked up Gigi like usual and Gigi was also in a good mood. The two had talked about random things on their way to school. Movies they wanted to see, books they wanted to read, upcoming tests, gossip about teachers that they had heard around the school.

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