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 5 years later

  Denali took one last look in the mirror before she walked out of her bedroom and towards her kitchen. She was wearing a tight, red dress and a high ponytail. She looked good and she felt over the moon. She loved both Jan and Jackie and she couldn't be more thrilled than to go to their engagement party. It seemed like just yesterday when Jan had been head over heels for the girl in high school and now Jackie was proposing. It didn't seem real. Sometimes life in general didn't seem real to Denali.

  "Rosie, hurry up!" She called towards the bathroom where her girlfriend was curling her hair. "We're gonna be late to your sister's engagement."

"I'll be ready soon, I promise!" Rosé called back, laughing. Denali smiled. How did she get so lucky?

She and Rosé had been dating solidly for almost 3 years now. It would have been longer if they hadn't broken up for a short period of time at the end of freshman year but Denali had no regrets. She and Rosé were happier than ever now.

Rosé came out of the bathroom wearing a pink dress and greeted Denali with a kiss, which Denali happily accepted. "Come on, we're gonna be late." She said, taking Rosé's hand and pulling her outside towards her car.

"Do you want me to drive?" Rosé asked.

"No, I can." Rosé opened Denali's door for her and she giggled before climbing in the car. She doubted that Rosé could ever stop making her heart race. As they drove to the party, Rosé kept her hand on Denali's thigh.

"When is Gigi due again?" Rosé asked Denali, who smiled widely. "Just three months now."

Crystal and Gigi had been together since junior year of high school and had decided to have a kid together. Everyone, Denali included, were excited to meet the new addition to their family.

"We're here," Denali called excitedly as they pulled up to Jan and Jackie's house. As they walked in, they were greeted by hugs from many old friends but also a few new ones. 

Olivia was there with her partner Utica. Kahmora was there with her boyfriend, who finally wasn't an asshole like all her old ones. Gigi and Crystal were sitting on the couch together, both looked tired but happy. Symone, Mik and Kandy were sitting at the counter together laughing loudly. Denali saw that Dahlia hadn't arrived yet. She had been a great addition to the friend group since high school.

As Denali looked around she saw Jan's old roommate Lemon, with her girlfriend Priyanka, Lagoona and a couple of faces that she recognized as Jan and Jackie's high school friends. Her eyes finally landed on Jan. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about what would happen in around an hour when Jackie finally proposed. She knew Jan would be shocked and ecstatic when the moment came.

As Denali stared around the room at her life long friends that she had known since she was young, she felt warm inside. She took Rosé's hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. Rosé looked at her and the two exchanged a smile. If someone had told Denali that a drunken high school dare would have gotten her and Rosé together, she wouldn't have believed them. But as Denali stared around the room full of loved ones, she knew that she wouldn't change a thing because she was the happiest she had ever been and she had the feeling that she was only going to get happier in the future.

After all, she had the best friends and an amazing girlfriend anyone could ask for, the only way to go was up.

a/n: thank you so much for reading to the end! i loved writing this and i'm sorry updates got so slow at the end.

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