are we official?

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  Rosé's eyes felt heavy and she was slightly confused at where she was when she woke up on Saturday morning. She had a slight headache which she assumed was from the amount of alcohol she had consumed the night before. When she rolled over in bed and saw a sleeping Denali cuddled into her side, memories from the night before came rushing back. She sat up and looked around the room seeing that everyone that had slept at Symone's house were still sleeping.

 She looked past Denali on the bed where Mik and Symone were passed out, Mik snoring quietly. As quietly as she could, careful not wake anyone up, Rosé slipped out of Symone's bed. As she went to stand up, she saw Symone stirring a little and slowed her movements so that Symone didn't wake up. As soon as Symone was still again, Rosé crept out of the room and went outside to get some fresh air. She pulled out her phone, deciding she needed to talk to someone.

"Rosé?" Jan's sleepy voice came out of the phone.


"Rosé? Are you good? Did you get in a fight with Denali or something? You sound upset." Jan's voice went from very sleepy to alert and worried quickly, making Rosé's stomach drop.

"No, nothing like that" Rosé assured Jan. "It's just last night she told me some really personal stuff and I just feel like- I don't know- I like her, but I don't want to fuck things up-" Rosé ended her statement kind of abruptly and hoped Jan would understand what she was trying to say even though she was sure she was basically speaking gibberish. 

"Awww Rosé," Jan cooed from over the phone her voice going high pitched. Rosé rolled her eyes even though Jan couldn't see her. "I called because I need actual advice right now" She said shortly.

"Ok, ok chill" Jan giggled. Her voice shifted to more serious as she continued her statement. "I don't 100% know why you're coming to me for advice because I've never been a relationship so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but from speculation I think you should talk to her." Rosé scoffed slightly which Jan heard.

"Let me finish," Jan said sternly in a voice Rosé wasn't used too. "Anyway as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I think that one of the most important things in starting a relationship is communication. It seems like Denali trusts you or she wouldn't have told you the personal thing she told you last night, relationships go both ways. I'm not saying you have to tell her some deep, dark secret that's  super personal but it would be smart to let her know your doubts now so that she knows what exactly she's getting onto with you." Jan finished, sounding proud of herself.

Rosé stood in silence on the phone contemplating what Jan had just said. "Ok, so I should tell her that I want to get into a relationship but that I want to take things slowly."

"If that's what you want then yeah, you should tell her."

"Ok. Ummm... Thank you Jan, that was actually really good advice."

"Anytime, but if you don't need me anymore, I'm going to back to sleep. It's like 7 in the morning and I can't handle being awake that early in the morning."

Rosé chuckled and let Jan hang up, she felt a wave of relief rush over her as she went back inside and up to Symone's room. When she got to Symone's room it was pretty much the same as she left it, with the exception of Gigi, who was sitting up and on her phone. She smiled at Rosé when she walked in.

"Goode morning," Gigi whispered, cracking up a little bit at her own joke.

You're in a good mood, Rosé thought to herself. It had been almost a month since she had seen her friend happy and it was nice to see a smile on her face. "Good morning" she replied quietly. "Why are you up so early?" "Habit, you?" "I don't know, normally I sleep till like noon." Rosé joked. Gigi giggled before returning to her phone. Rosé crawled back into bed next to Denali and wrapped her arms around the shorter girls waist, cuddling into her. Denali's eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she looked up at Rosé who pulled her in closer. The girls stayed wrapped up in each other for an unknown amount of time, Rosé even fell back asleep. Eventually the girls around them starting getting up.

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