pinky promise

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Rosé had a rough morning. She overslept, Lagoona lost her keys, and halfway to school Jan realized she forgot her backpack and they had to turn back around. By the time the girls got to school, first period had already ended so Rosé headed to second period. When she opened the door and walked towards her usual seat she noticed something strange.

"You're in my seat," she said harshly to the girl in front of her. The girl jumped a little at the sudden sound.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here today. I'll move in one sec," Denali gushed, avoiding eye contact with Rosé.

"No you don't have to move," Mik said placing her hand on the girls shoulder. Rosé felt a flash of jealousy as she noticed Mik's hand on Denali's shoulder. She shifted her attention from Denali to Mik.

"WTF?" she mouthed at Mik, who raised her eyebrows and made a face that clearly read 'come on, give her a chance.' Rosé rolled her eyes. She didn't want to give Denali a chance, she already had to compete with Kandy for Mik's attention, she didn't need somebody else to compare herself too. And so Rosé stood there, hands on her hips, waiting for Denali to move out of her way, and Rosé had to give Denali credit because the girl seemed to want to move. Mik on the other hand, was not budging. Denali was looking more uncomfortable by the second as she kept biting her lip, she obviously didn't want to be in middle of their weird fight.

"I can just go Mik, it's fine" Denali muttered quietly. 

"You do that," Rosé snapped back.

"Rosé" Mik squealed.

"Is there a problem girls?" Miss. Royale asked, as the whole class turned to stare at the girls. Denali was bright red and looked more uncomfortable than Rosé had ever seen her before and she had to admit that the girl looked pretty cute when her cheeks were all flushed.

"No mam'," Mik replied to Miss. Royale and flashed her a smile. Miss. Royale rolled her eyes and went back to teaching after pointing to a sign that read 'leave your problems at the door'. Finally giving in to defeat, Rosé grabbed a chair from a table near them and sat down on the other side of Mik.

"You owe me," she said flatly, and clearly annoyed to Mik, who just smiled. For the rest of class Rosé basically drilled a hole in the side of Denali's head with her eyes. She couldn't stop glancing at the girl. Yes, she was pretty, and she seemed smart, and nice, but why did Mik want to be her friend all of the sudden. Was she not enough for her? From an outsider's perspective, Rosé didn't seem to care what others thought of her, but the truth was that she did care. And she especially cared about what Mik thought of her. She tried to push her insecurities down for the rest of class like she normally did but it wasn't working out as well as it normally did because Denali was right there. So she did the next best thing and projected her insecurities on Denali instead by making rude and snarky comments here and there and earning herself quite a few nasty looks from Mik. When the bell rang  Mik turned to Denali.

"Hey do you want to eat lunch with us today?" Denali glanced up at Rosé nervously before responding to Mik, which didn't go unnoticed by Mik.

"Umm... No it's okay, I'll probably just sit with Liv, and Kahmora." Rosé watched as Mik and Denali said their goodbyes, she offered Denali a passive agressive wave. As she watched Denali turn the corner, she turned to Mik smiling.

"Thank go that's over with," she joked. Mik however, wasn't laughing.

"What the hell was that?" Mik asked. Rosé felt her face fall.

"That girl went through hell this weekend," Mik continued "Why are you always such a bitch." Rosé bit the inside of her cheek, she had to admit that one stung a little bit. But if there was one thing she knew, it was that you couldn't show any weakness.

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