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Things had been really good for Rosé recently. Her life seemed to be perfect and that wasn't out of the ordinary for her. Rosé knew that if things seemed perfect, they technically only had one direction to go before things came crashing down, but that never effected her. Life never decided to come crashing down.

Everything in her life had just felt so right recently. Her parents were as supportive as ever, always congratulating her on her mediocre grades, telling her that they were proud of her. She and Mik hung out all the time and never seemed tired of each other. Her friend group had no recent drama, even she and Kandy seemed to be getting along for once. She had a seemingly perfect relationship with Denali. Her Denali. The two basically never argued and even though Rosé had a hard time expressing her feelings, the two girls clicked. Sometimes it was crazy to her how someone as nice, and innocent as Denali would want to be with someone like her.

Rosé had learned that when things seemed to good to be true, they weren't. The old Rosé had this mindset for everything. The old her would be carefree if everything in her life seemed to be going well. The old her would have been a bitch to everyone without caring because the more closed off and defensive she was meant that no one could break down her perfect life.

Life had always been pretty perfect for Rosé. The last time it seemed broken was when Jan was upset. But Rosé helped Jan end things with Jackie and become her normal self again. Soon after Rosé's life had turned into it's normal perfect self again. Rosé used to think that she would never date, she would never fall in love, she would never let someone get close enough to possibly shatter her perfect world. That was until she met Denali.

She swore when she started dating Denali that it was just a dare. That the girl meant nothing to her. That she would get in her pants and then move on just like everyone else she had been with. But somehow, Denali had crept into her heart. Denali made her feel safe, Denali made her feel secure. Denali made her feel like she was the only person that mattered in the entire world. Even though the old Rosé would have stomped on the brakes and closed herself off from the world as soon as she started getting closer with Denali from the fear of losing everything, the new Rosé had a different approach. The new Rosé wanted to keep her perfect life together with Denali still a part of it, so she decided to do everything in her power to keep life the way in was. Perfect. And that meant Denali could never know about the stupid dare that got the two of them together in the first place.

She was constantly thinking of ways to keep her girlfriend, her family, and her friends happy because if they stayed happy they would never have to find out about the stupid dare. She was always stressing that Denali's friends would somehow find out about it as they were always getting closer with Symone, Mik, and Kandy. So she begged them not to tell anyone. She was always worried that Jan and Lagoona would find out. She knew they would probably never look at her the same way after that, and she didn't blame them. Rosé was most anxious about Denali finding out. Perfect, innocent, nice, Denali. The girl was already broken and she definitely didn't need Rosé to fuck it up one more time. So Rosé did everything in her power to make sure Denali never found out, because all good things shouldn't have to come to an end. Right?

She was in her room after school, watching Denali walk out of her life when her perfect world seemed to fall apart for the first time. But the day had started out just like every other normal, perfect day.

Rosé woke up before her alarm and laid in bed awake worrying about her relationship for a little bit before getting up. She had gotten dressed in her usual signature color, pink. She had done her makeup the same way she normally did it. A full face of natural makeup and some eyeliner and mascara. She had to put extra concealer under her eyes to cover up the bags she had from lack of sleep.

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