never have i ever

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tw: talk of bullying, and homophobia. i'll put a warning before the scene and at the end of the scene so you can skip it if needed.

Midterm week flew by faster than Denali expected it too. Even though it was her third year taking midterms, for some reason she was always surprised by how fast they came and went. She had tried to study but she made the choice to study with Rosé and they hadn't gotten much done. She accidentally laughed a little bit out loud during her 6th period exam as she remembered a joke Rosé had said earlier, earning herself a couple weird looks from students around the room and an annoyed look from Mrs. Von'du. She was definitely falling hard for Rosé and it was becoming more and more apparent by the day. When the bell rang signaling the end of her sixth period, Denali hopped up and walked over towards Jan who was waiting for her by the door.

"How do you think you did?" Jan asked her as she approached.

"It could have been worse," Denali admitted. "I feel like I knew most of it but there were a couple that I had to completely guess on."

"I felt pretty much the same way which is reassuring." The girls chatted for a little bit about some of the exam questions and compared their answers which were relatively similar.

"Were you the person that laughed out of no where in middle of the exam?" Jan asked while laughing. Denali blushed a little before nodding.

"I thought of something funny and I couldn't help it"

"What was it?"

"Oh just some random thing that Rosé said earlier," Denali murmured feeling heat rush into her face as she turned red. Jan giggled and teased her for a second about Rosé, like most of her friends would have.

"Any plans over break?" Denali asked Jan, trying to change the subject.

"I'm going to the New Years party with Rock, Jackie and Nicky much to Lagoona and Rosé's dismay," Jan stated. "Don't tell anyone, but I think I'm gonna try to kiss the girl that I like when the ball drops."

"Awwww, who is it?"

"It's a secret, you'll find out when she either kisses me back and we start dating or when she's completely shocked and not into it and decides to reject me" Jan joked. Denali had to admire Jan's confidence, she didn't think she would ever be able to put herself out there like that.

"Well good luck, but I don't think you'll need it."

"Fingers crossed!"

"Fingers crossed about what?" Denali jumped as she felt an arm wrap around her waist and looked up to see Rosé. She snuggled into Rosé's side and Rosé gave her a quick kiss before shifting her attention back to Jan.

"Fingers crossed that your girlfriend and I passed our chemistry midterm," Jan answered quickly. Denali chuckled to herself as Jan gave her a quick wink before heading off to her final midterm.

"Soo," Rosé said "Are we still hanging out at Symone's tonight to celebrate the end of midterms?"

"Of course," Denali replied. "Thank god it's finally Thursday and this school week is finally over."

"Agreed, I'm glad they canceled Friday, I probably wouldn't have come if they hadn't."

Denali opened her mouth to respond to Rosé when the warning bell rang reminding her that she had to get to math for her last final. "Bye Rosie, I'll see you after school!" She called as she sped towards her seventh period, she knew that Ms. Iman wouldn't mind if she was late on a normal day but she had to be there in time for the midterm.

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