soo... that happened

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  Rosé left Symone's house as soon as she could on Friday morning. The night had started off fun but ended up crashing and burning. The whole group was in shock over the Crystal and Gigi drama that had blown up right in front of them. After Gigi and Denali left, Mik attempted to break the awkward tension several times, but it never worked meaning the girls spent the rest of the night in awkward silence. Symone had turned on a movie and then they had all gone to bed.

  Rosé felt the worst for Olivia and Kahmora because they were relatively new to the friend group and it was the only time Olivia had ever drank around them which ended up stranding her and Kahmora there. She honestly doubted that Olivia would ever feel comfortable enough to drink around them again. Rosé tapped Mik softly to let her know that she was leaving, Mik nodded to show that she understood before rolling over and going back to sleep. When Rosé was about to leave she saw Olivia waking Kahmora up so that they could leave and she decided to wait for the two of them.

The three girls walked out of the house in silence, not wanting to wake anybody up. "That was the most awkward situation that I have ever been in." Kahmora stated as soon as they made it outside.

"I'm never drinking again," Olivia joked. "It was pretty intense," Rosé agreed. "Do you think Denali's awake yet?"

"Definitely not."

"We can go grab breakfast and bring some back for her and Gigi?" Olivia suggested. "There's a bagel place on the way to her house that she loves, we can pick up some and bring it to her house. Maybe it will cheer Gigi up?"

Rosé agreed before climbing into Denali's car and following behind Olivia's car to the bagel place. The girls pulled up to Denali's house with a lot of bagels and cream cheese around 40 minutes later. Kahmora rung the doorbell and Denali answered the door with a sleepy grin, looking adorable in a pj set.

"Rosie!" she said excitedly giving Rosé a huge hug. Rosé felt her heart flutter at the nickname, she loved when Denali called her that.

"Ahem, we're here too." Kahmora coughed pretending to be annoyed. "The girl gets herself a girlfriend and forgets about us." She joked to Olivia, who rolled her eyes before holding up the bag of bagels so that Denali could see.

"Oh my god, is that from Mama Ru's?" she asked her eyes lighting up.

"Only the best," Olivia responded. Denali opened the door wider so that they could all come in.

"Let me go grab Gigi," Denali said. "She was still waking up when I came downstairs."

Two minutes later Denali returned with a surprisingly well rested and happy looking Gigi. "Hey guys," she chirped "sorry for bailing last night."

"It's okay," all three girls responded at the same time.

"We don't blame you, I would have dipped if I didn't drink." Kahmora stated as the girls laughed at her dry humor. 

"It was very awkward after you guys left," Rosé admitted.

"It was like dead silence the rest of the night," Olivia explained. "Funny to look back on but it was definitely not funny to experience." Gigi laughed, "Whoops, that's probably my fault. Sorry guys." "Don't worry about it."

"As much as I like talking to you guys, I like eating more," Denali said shuffling the girls towards the kitchen table.

"Two things," Gigi said addressing the group as they ate. "One, these bagels are delicious." She paused as the group hummed their agreements to her statement. "And two, what are our opinions of me going red? or strawberry blonde." 

"I think it would look hot," Kahmora said loudly.

"Agreed," Denali said as Kahmora reached over for a high five.

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