Chapter 16

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So I have no idea what to do with this story so this is the end.. Sorry this is gonna suck, but I just hope y'all enjoyed my story(; (haha my friend hates it when I say y'all and she calls me all country and stuff, but I don't think it makes you country and if it does who gives a flying fruck? We live in Texas!) So yea...


Niall's POV

*One year later*

"What? Are you sure? I'll be back as soon as I can." I went to mine and Zayn's room and started packing all my clothes.

"Babe what are you doing?" I heard the familiar Bradford accent that I loved so much.

"I'm just going home for a while." I answered his question still packing.

"So you need all of your clothes?" He came and sat on the bed.

"Look someone's hurt and I don't know how long I'm gonna be there." I couldn't tell him. I wish I could, but I can't.

"Can I come with you?" He looked worried.

"No. I have to do this alone." I then zipped up my suitcase and left.


Zayn's POV

"Niall! Niall, are you even gonna say goodbye?" I caught him before he got in the cab.

"Bye Zayn, I love you." Then he shut the door and the taxi drove off.

"Okay." I shook my head an walked back into my house.

What is the matter with him? He's been acting funny for the past few weeks. I keep asking him what's wrong, but he says nothing. Who's hurt? Why couldn't I go with him? Did I do something wrong? We haven't had sex in a week! What the actual fuck? I'll just call him tomorrow, but for now I'm hungrier than a bitch.

I walked into my kitchen and found a letter. It was already opened, Niall must've left it.

I went to read and almost had a heart attack.

'Dear Niall,

Babe I know I messed up and you hate me, but please come visit me? I'm not with Louis anymore. He just wasn't you, and now I realized that you are it. I love you. I need you. I know I don't deserve a second chance, but I just need to see you, hold you. Maybe if you come you can see how I've changed and you can make your decision. I know you still think about me. You have to, because you left and you're all I think about now. Just don't tell or bring Zayn if that you're coming. I need to talk to you and you only. I just, will you please come and talk. That's all I ask.

I still love you,


"Son of a bitch! Fucking bastard! I am gonna kill them both." I grabbed my phone and dialled my friend Mike's number.

M: Yo?

Z: You wanna go to London?

M: What crazy plan do you have now?

Z: Yes or no?

M: Sure. When are we leaving?

Z: I'll come get around noon tomorrow okay?

M: K I'll see you then.

I hung up and decided to finish making my sandwich.

I ate and then texted Niall. He can't know I know, so I just decided to keep it simple.

Z: Hey(:

It took a few minutes, but my phone vibrated and showed a text from 'My Boo'

N: Hey babe, what are you doing?

Z: Sitting here with my friend(;

N:What friend?

Z: Her name is Stacy

N: Her? What are you two doin?

Z: Cuddling on the couch

N:Cuddling?! You're cuddling with someone that's not me? Zayn! Why?

Z: I'm not I was kidding! I could never cuddle someone else besides my little Nialler(:

N: Zayn I'm gonna kill you! I almost fucking had a stroke!

Z: You aren't cuddling with someone else are you?

N: How could I?

Z: Good.. And tell Harry I said hi

N: What? I'm not with Harry

Z: So we're lying now? You left the letter

N: Zayn I can explain that. Call me.

Ring ring

N: Zayn listen-

Z: Fuck no! How the fuck do you expect me to listen. You're a bitch Niall.

N: Zayn I can't believe you just said that

He sounded like he was gonna cry

Z: I can't believe you left me for Harry

N: I didn't leave you for him! Zayn just please understand I didn't give him a chance before I left.

Z: Okay.. Well obviously you aren't coming back here. You packed all your clothes, shouldn't that tell me something?

N: I'm coming back! I promise.

Z: I'd rather you not, okay?

N: What?

Z: I'm sorry you went to see that bastard without telling me. Lets just say you better pray I don't catch him on the street.

N: Za-

I hung up and went to bed.

Niall's POV

I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

"Fuck. He hates me." I shook my head and whispered and let the tears fall.

"Why am I so stupid?" I sobbed into Harry's chest and he tried to calm me down.

"You aren't stupid. Don't ever call yourself stupid." He stroked his hands through my dyed hair. "You're better off without him. He's not worth the tears right now."

"Yes he is! And I blew it! I'm stupid! I'm lost him!"

*The next day*

Zayn's POV

"What do you mean Niall?" I was hurt as I saw my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend under Harry's arm.

"I'm staying with Harry." He didn't bother to let the tears stop. "I need to be with him. "

"Are you serious? If you were meant to be you wouldn't be crying! What happened to 'Zayn I love you. Thank you for making me realize I don't need him.'?! What happened to that?!!"

"Zayn you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you. I do, but Harry and I-" I didn't wanna hear that bullshit.

"You what? You have history?"

"Look Zayn I am so glad that I found somebody like you, but I love Harry. This has got to be the hardest decision of my life, but this is the right choice."

"Okay." I shook my head and turned around and left with Mike.

As I was walking away I heard a faint "I never stop loving you, Zayn."


So this is the end!

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