Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I cried into Zayn's shoulder. He squeezed me tighter.

"Niall, what's wrong?" He asked

"Harry" was all I could get out.

"You're coming with me." He led me to his car. After a while I had stopped crying and we arrived at his house.

As we walked in, he picked up his phone and called someone one.

"Hey, I'm not coming tonight." He hung up after that.

"If you have somewhere to go, then I can leave." I didn't want to make him feel like he had to cancel his plans.

"No. You're not leaving, you need to be with someone." He was right.

"Now tell me what happened." He rubbed my cheek.

I looked down. I knew he was right about Harry. I just didn't wanna believe him.

"Zayn I'm sorry."

"For what?" His voice was confused, but he still kept his hands on my cheeks.

"For what happened with Harry. You're the only one who gets that I need to leave him. I tried to tell Louis, but he said I should stay. I talked to my mom, she said it could only get better. It's only gotten worse.." My voice broke at the end. I didn't even fight the tears.

"Don't be sorry. You did what you did, because you love Harry. I know you love Harry, but you can love me too." He froze.

I looked up. "Zayn-" I was cut of my a pair of warm lips touching mine. At first I didn't know what to do, so he pulled away.

"I- I, I'm sorry Niall." He said, stuttering words filled with regret.

"Don't be, but I think it's time that I go." I said. "Can you give me a ride home?"

He nodded. We walked out the door, and into the car. We got in and buckled up. He had his arm on the arm rest. His hand looked lonely, so I took it in mine.

He looked up at me. "Let's not tell anyone about this, okay?" I told him. He just shook his head.

After a while he was pulling up in my driveway. My mum was standing outside watering the plants.

"Bye Zayn." I got out of the car. I walked up to my mom and said "Mum, I am starved!" She laughed.

"There are some potatoes in the kitchen." She just shook her head and went back to watering the plants.

After I ate, I went up to my room. I decided to take a shower. I got in and let the water heat my body. After I washed up and got out, my phone rang.

The caller I.D said Hazza. My stomach turned in knots. Does he know that Zayn kissed me?

"H-hello?" I was scared to see what he was going to say.

H: Babe, I'm sorry

Had he been crying?

N: Are you okay?

H: No

N: What's wrong?

I heard a girl in the background.I hung up. After that I went to sleep.


BEEP! BEEP!! BEEP!! My alarm went off.

Ugh, I didn't want to leave my bed. Then Zayn came to my mind. I wonder if he's coming to school. I'll text and ask.

N: Hey Zayn you coming to school?

Z: Yea

N:Okay.. Bye!!(:

I didn't get a reply after that. What if he thinks kissing me was a mistake? What if he was just playing? What if it all was a joke.

I tried not to think about that. I got up and put on a Free-Hugs shirt some blue skinny jeans, and white high tops.

I walked down stairs and my mum had breakfast made. I ate my pancakes fast, as usual.

My mom dropped me off at school and I was met by Louis.

"Hey, can we go somewhere and talk?" I asked Louis. I needed to tell someone how I felt.

But the bell rang. "Nevermind" I said walking to class.

My heart stopped as I walked in the classroom. I knew he was coming but, did he have to look so good. His hair was styles perfect as usual, his eyes a bit brighter, and his leatherjacket.

I took my seat beside him. I smiled at him, he smiled back. I was about to talk to him when Harry said "Niall, do you forgive me?"

"You didn't do anything wrong." I stated looking down. Taking notes on what Mrs Jones wrote on the board. Zane scoffed.

"Are you in this conversation?" Harry said to Zayn.


"No, is he in this fucking conversation."

"Zayn don't answer him." I looked at Zayn.

"You know what? I'll meet you after school." Was all Zayn said.

Harry didn't answer. "That's what I thought." Zayn got up as the bell rang.


The day went by and it was time to leave. I walked outside with Louis and my heart dropped.

Zayn and Harry standing together, anger in their eyes. I dropped my stuff and ran to them as fast as I could.

"Stop! Harry come on!" I grabbed his arm. He pushed me off, causing me to almost loose my balance.

"Don't touch him like that!" Zayn shouted, moving closer to Harry.

"Last time I checked he is my boyfriend, and I can do whatever I want to him." Harry said through gritted teeth.

I stepped in between them. "Don't fucking do this right now!" I shouted.

"Tell 'Zayn' to leave you alone an this will all be over." Harry's face red with anger.

"Tell Harry that you don't want to be with him anymore!" Zayn came right back at Harry.

"Zayn" I cannot believe he just said that.

Harry stopped. "You know what? Choose who you want to be with."


Haha sorry guys I had to leave you right here!!

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