Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"I cared! I care! I always have! Niall, I freaking loved you! I did, but then Louis came back into my life." I hung my head in shame.

"My bestfriend. I'm sorry that you two made this decision, because you've lost me. Come on Zayn." Niall said before leaving.

"Harry? Was I the reason?" Louis lifted my chin.

"Yes, but that's okay. I'm glad I can have you now." I smiled and went to get a kiss.

"Have me?" He said as we pulled away. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your mine." Simple enough right? What's he making a big deal out of?

"You're not going to do to me what you did to Niall." His sassiness came back.

"I know. I can't. I wouldn't. I need you now Boo." I smiled "let's go back to yours." We walked to the car.

Zayn's POV

I looked at Niall concerned. My little Irish blonde has never looked so mad.

What did he see in Harry? How did they get together?

"How did it happen?" I asked letting my thoughts come aloud. "How did you and Harry even get together?" I asked looking at the road.

"Louis. Him and Harry have been close for a while. It was at Louis house one day and he left us in the room and Harry wanted me. What he wants he gets. I'm glad you came." He smiled at me.

"Me too." I leaned over and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you." He replied. I felt this feeling. This feeling I can't describe.

"Niall, I love you so much. I love being with you, I love to hear you, I just can't even say it all. " The smile faded from my lips and he got a worried look on his face. "I can't describe what I feel when I'm with you. I need you. I crave you. It's like there is something about you that I tasted and now I have to have it. I never want to let you go. I don't know why or how it was you who caught my eye, but you're it Niall. You're mine and I'm glad it's you. I just get so overwhelmed that I could cry. When I think about how much I love you, I get nervous. I get nervous because I think you don't feel the same. This is a lot to put on you now, but do you love me?"

"Yes Zayn. I love you with everything I am. I can't give you everything, but I can give you me. I can give you me and that's all." He looked at me with love, but regret. "I'm not a lot-"

"Run away with me. Be with me and I'll make you happy." My words came off my tongue and I regretted it. That was stupid of me. He's not going to leave with you! You're just now together. There's no way he'll come with you.

"Yes Zayn, I'll come with you. Only under one condition." He replied

"What is it?" I asked

"You've got to marry me."

Niall's POV

"That would be perfect. Go get your stuff. Tell your mom you'll be back in a couple of months."

I got out of the car and went inside.

Harry's POV

"Come with me. Lets run away Lou." I was only joking, but so serious.

"Let's do it! We can be together forever." He said in this weird 'country girl' voice.

"Haha I love you babe." I kissed him.

"I love you more." He replied

"Prove it." I said and laid back on my bed as things got heated.

Niall's POV

I went into my room and started packing all my things. I put pictures, clothes, hats, and shoes.

"Niall honey, what are you doing?" My mom's voice filled the room.

"I'm packing." I said

"Why?" Concern filled her word.

"I'll be back mum. I'll be back in a couple of months. I don't want to leave you, but I am." Guilt came over me.

"With who? Are you in trouble? What happened?" She came to me.

"Trust me, please." I hugged her as tears escaped my eyes.

"Are you in trouble?" She asked again, voice breaking.

"No." I then walked out.


Sorry guys... I hope you enjoyed.. It's short and I know I haven't updated in a while, but I'm busy.

We got second place in One Act Play.. I got honorable mention and my sister got all star cast.

Anyways I have been busy lately. I'll try and update as soon as possible.

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