Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"Well lets go." I said. I needed to get to school early.

"Why? It's only 6:45." Niall stated simply.

"Damn Niall, I have business to take care of." I looked at him, the annoyance shown in my face.

"Okay." He said getting up.

He walked to the door, grabbed his bag, and headed down stairs.

I wish he knew that I try to love him. I don't know what it is. I try to be nice. I just can't. I can't fucking be nice to him. I'm a fucking prick. I try to love him, but my heart belongs to-

"Are you coming?!" Niall shouted from downstairs.

I didn't answer, I just headed down stairs.

I gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, and started to the door.

Niall was already in the car. He had his earphones in as usual.

I got in and buckled up. I looked over at Niall. He was singing 'Stereo Hearts'. He had a beautiful voice.

I guess he noticed me staring at him, because he stopped singing.

"I like your voice." Was what I said. God I'm so stupid.

"Thanks." Was all he said. He just looked out the window.

I almost feel bad for him. You know? I'm so mean to him.

I reached over to grab his hand, but he just pulled away.

"Fuck you to then." I mumbled under my breath.

"Whatever." He said as he got out, while I pulled up to the school.

As always he was met by Louis. I hate how they are so close. Why does he get to be with my Ni?

"Hey Harry." A blonde haired girl named Samantha said. She twirled her hair I her finger.

"Hey." I really don't want to talk to this slut.

"I was thinking maybe we could meet up after school?." She said now running her hand up my arm.

"I have a boyfriend. I really don't want you." I said even though I had screwed her many times. I walked off to class as the bell rang.

I walked into the room and took my seat beside Niall. Danielle and Liam weren't here today. I wonder where they could be.

Oh we'll I guess I'll talk to Niall.

"Babe, did you do the homework?" I asked, because I didn't.

"Yes. I turned yours in too." He said in a whispering voice.

"You're the best."

He scoffed.

"Harry, Niall be quiet." Mrs Jones said. "Has anyone seen Zayn?"

Niall tensed when she said his name. Nobody answered.

They rest of the day went by and Zayn hadn't shown up.

Lucky for me, I didn't have to see him flirt with my boyfriend.

It came time for me to take Niall home.

He said goodbye to Louis and Eleanor, giving them both hugs. I walked over to the car.

I have him one of my famous 'Styles smiles'. He just looked down.

We both got in the car. I leaned over and kissed him. He didn't kiss back.

"Okay seriously what's wrong?" I was annoyed with how he was acting.

"Nothing why?" He said, focused on who ever was texting him.

"Then why won't you hold my hand or kiss me?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"Well get in the mood. You're coming over for a little bit and we are gonna talk about this.

Niall's POV

"Okay." I didn't really want to go to Harry's house. We've been spending to much time together, and I didn't like it.

I was more worried about Zayn. I sent him a text message.

N: Why weren't you at school?

I got texted back in an instant.

Z: Does it matter? You're to busy stuck up that pricks ass to realize that you deserve better.

N: Zayn will you meet me later?

No response

N: Zayn please we need to talk I person.

Z: Fine text me when and where later bye.

I smiled. He was finally gonna meet me.

"Who are you texting." I looked up at Harry surprised. I had completely forgotten I was in the car with him.

"Louis." I lied.

"Okay.." He said pulling up to his house.

"Is Anne home?" I wondered.

"Just me and you babe." He said as we walked to the house.

He opened the door and we walked in.

He led me to the couch and sat me down on his lap.

"Talk." He said

"About what?" I really didn't have much to say.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asked.

"Like what?"

"Like you don't like me. Ever since Zayn-" I cut him off there.

"Don't bring him into this." I was mad at how he tried to blame this on him.

"If it wasn't for him, we would still be fine!" He shouted, both of us standing up.

"Would we really? Would we really be fine? Were we fucking fine before?" I yelled back

"What are you saying?" His voice actually had pain in it.

"I need to go." I said, storming out.

"Niall don't!" Harry yelled. I ran. I just ran. It helps me get rid of my problems.

I had been running for a while, zoned out when I crashed into a body.

"What the hell?!" I heard the familiar voice.

"Zayn?" I asked

"Niall?" He said confused.

I wrapped my arms around him as cried.


Okay so this was. A filler chapter. It isn't so long but oh well... I hoped you guys liked it!!(:

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