Four Years Later

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(four years later)

On a bright sunny morning Killua was in a cafe with his younger sister Alluka who had grown quite lovely over the four years that had been traveling the world.

Right now they were enjoying breakfast at a small cafe in York New where Killua was enjoying a warm chocolate pastry while Alluka was eating a stack of waffles with a bunch of fruit and syrup on it.

It was pretty nice until the sound of his phone ringing cut through the quiet area so loudly it made him wince as he took out his phone to see the caller id belonged to Leorio.

Killua found this a bit strange because Leorio and Kurapika said they would not be able to call for a while because they were going on a trip to the dark continent which Killua had no urge to go to any time soon. Although he wouldn't lie that he missed the itch of danger he experienced on adventures he went on every once in a while but he was just done with them. Or more likely he was done with Gon and his recklessness and how easily Gon broke him all the time and pitou was the last straw next to almost dying.

Killua groaned as he pressed the answer button on his phone and a loud


came through the phone making the boy wince at the loudness that was Leorio. In fact he was sure Leorio was so loud that the whole neighborhood that they were in could hear Leorio loud screaming through the phone.

Alluka laugh at her brother who looked ready to throttle the phone in his hand as he hiss into the phone

"Geez old man you still as loud as ever"

Of course as usual this riled up Leorio who yelled out a loud brat through the phone making a smug cat face grow on Killua face at how easy it was to rile the old man up.

"brat is that the greeting I get from coming home from a long dangerous journey of touring the dark continent."

"I know and I am surprised that you weren't eaten by any of the monsters there,"Killua jokes, although he would never admit it to anyone that he was glad Leorio was okay, but what about Kurapika.

"Hey Leorio is Kurapika with you two" Killua asked before he could shuffle on the phone then heard the sound of a tired Kurapika but at least he was alive.

"Hello Killua. It's been a while hasn't it" Kurapika aske softly as Killua just rolled his eyes but still he was glad the blonde was alright and not running himself into the ground.

"yeah, but how are you guys doing?"

"were fine. A few more scars and bruises but we are fine and I have found the last of my clans eyes meaning my mission is partially complete. Leorio had convince to stay with him for a while for now though. Though how is you and Gon been doing lately?"

At that moment Killua grew a bit quiet making Alluka worry a bit. This is always how Killua acted ever since he and his friend went different ways and Killua started to ignore Gon, cutting him slowly out of Killua life.

Alluka tried to convince him to talk to Gon or at least respond back to one of the boys text but everytime Killua would go quiet before saying that Alluka was more important than Gon who needed to learn his lesson but Alluka thinks there is more.

She could see it hurts the boy to ignore Gon like that but Killua was in denial and always changed the subject or was injured until Gon stopped calling all together which sometimes made Alluka worry.

"I don't know what that idiot was up to Kurapika , I am not his babysitter" Killua said, making the phone silent as Killua causally ate his pastry, ignoring the worried silence around him.

"What do you mean by that Killua?"Kurapiak shakily asked the boy. He knew it had been a while since he talked to either of them but has it been that long?

Killua huffed at the phone, taking another bite of his pastry before answering.

"I said what I said. I don't know it is not my job to know everything about him"Killlua bit out a bit while Kurapika sucked in a breath.

That is when Leorio took the phone but he had a different tone to his voice.

"Killua when was the last time you talked to Gon"

"I don't know. Mostly not since splitting up at the world tree" Killua said ignoring how Loerio started yelling again.

"FOUR YEARS. YOU HAVEN'T TALKED TO EACH OTHER IS FOUR YEARS" Leorio yelled making Killua sighed. How many times did he have to say this?


"Did he ever try to call you?"

"Yeah but he stopped after almost a year. Why?"

There was the sound of sputters on the other side of the phone as Alluka listened in the conversatio unsettled. Has it really been that long since Gon and Killua talked? What if something happened to Gon or worse?

"Big brother you think Gon okay?' Alluka asked Killua who just waved a hand.

"He is probably found at his lovely home on whale island with his nice aunt. Sure, he is totally fine Alluka. Besides, he is probably trying to call over some new foxbear birth or something."

No one spoke another word before Kurapika took the phone.

"Killua I think you might want to check on Gon just in case you know"

"no. He needs to learn the hard way that I am not going to be there always to clean after his reckless messes and that is he is so focused on doing things alone then fine he can. I am not chasing after the idiot. He ruin me okay and i am not allowing myself to be broken again over him and his reckless behaviour"

There was a sigh on the other side of the phone before Kurapika responded again.

"very well Killua. Although I am curious. Where are you now?"

"York New why?"

"How funny were in York New too going to Leorio apartment. When we get there, maybe I will try to call Gon. We had a lot of miss call because of the bad service in the dark continent."


With that killua ended the phone grumbling but before ordering another plate of chocolate pastries to eat as Alluka watched her brother.


Killua stopped eating to look up at Alluka who was picking at her food.

"Do you really feel like that towards Gon? DOn't you think you should check up on him just in case?" Alluka asked as Killua sighed at the girl then smiled.

"I guess. Alluka I mean it is true I am not his babysitter, he needs to learn on his own and I need a break from him constantly hurting me. Gon was not good for me and besides I have you so I have everything I need right here. So let's not worry, okay" Killua said with a small smile but Alluka was still weary.

Her brother could not possibly mean all of that. Also she just got a really bad feeling that they should check on him at least but if her brother really thought this was for the best then she would back off....for now at least.

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