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Killua soared through the rainy city trying to trace the last of the brother's nen. The rain poured on him hard soaking him to the bone but he could care less.

All Killua could see was red as fire coursed throughout his veins. He was furious, hopping from roof to roof, keeping tails on the small nen trail he had caught and trying to hold on to.

This was the man who hurt Gon. This was the man who used his friend's guilt against him as some form of sick amusement before trying to sell him off to be some mindless servant.

The rain came down more fierce and if Killua did not have his background with being an ex-assassin he would be blind by how dark and harsh the rain came. Or slip on the wet building roofs.

It hit Killua hard how Gon was close to being turned into what his family wanted. Relief flooded at the thought of Gon now safe and getting better, but the boy would never be the same again. He barely move or spoke.

It didn't matter though because Killua was going to help. He owes it at least to Gon for leaving him.

Killua continued hopping along the buildings no longer sensing the nen trail stopping on top of an abandoned building hardly able to see anything in with the wind and rain slapping around hiding all the buildings and the ground below.

Waiting for a minute Killua decided to look around for a bit before returning to Gon when he sense a bit of bloodlust behind him and just in time dodge the crack spot where he stood that was covered in the red string that was now sharp as a dagger pretreating the ground where he once stood.

"So must be the so-call Killua" a sultry voice hummed making Killua in time to see more strings attack where he stood pushing him back so he could in the midst of the raining sky a shadow with several strings surrounding it. The strings pulled the shadow closer so once the lightning lit up the sky it revealed the brother in a crisp suit, mask over his face and hands gloved like at the auction.

"How are you doing young man" 

Killua was in a fighting stance, his ren flaring in warning to the man before who just chuckled at it like nothing.

"Oh please dear boy the ren is not necessary I just want to make you an offer for it"

"His name is Gon" Killua growled cutting off the man who did not react at all.

"It. I heard you are friends with him and you wish to take him and well I can't have that. The boy is the most fun I had breaking someone in years"

This made Killua glare at the man harshly. If it be any other person they would tremble in fear of the child's glare but again the man just continued talking like he wasn't being glared at with a ton of bloodlust and hate.

"How dare you?"

"Well, it is not my fault he had no one. No family. No friends. No aunt. No great grandmother. No home. A ruin island. A big amount of guilt on his shoulders. A perfect specimen for the taking. Besides who fault was it again for him being near me because dear boy we only take children who no one will look for or no one will. So who fault was it that I made the decision" the man said with all the politeness of a businessman watching Killua who made no face. He knew the man was trying to mess with him but his words hurt no less.

It was true. 

"I can sense your guilt but what is there to have. You didn't feel it before so why guilt yourself now. The boy is broken and well your trying to live a new life. A life away from the darkness of your past. You left because of the boy no"


"Lie" the man answered back. "You know my ability also allows me to know enough about you and you have touched my string so I know what makes you tick. What you hold in your heart. Yes left because of Gon so why want him because I see no use. You can be back on the beach peacefully with your sister. No gon ruining your life, bring you on dumb stuff, most dangerous, hurting your feelings. None of it but peace and fun with your friends and sister. SOunds so nice so I will cut you a deal. You give Gon back to me and you can have it. What do you say?" the brother asked the boy who shook, smirking looking beyond his shoulder.

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