Awake, but Sleep

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A day passed but everyone was anxiously waiting for retaliation from the brother after his threat.

Eventually, a week passed and during the week Killua took a moment to talk to Zusha's parents about seeing Nanika as they easily swore not to tell people about her but otherwise were kind to the girls constantly playing with his sisters.

For that, he was really grateful toward the two.

Lavender on the other hand memories kept restarting and though she had no more internal bleeding the girl was under strict observance in hopes of fixing her memory until then Zusha remain loyal and even brought his camera to show the girl videos to convince her they were lovers. (well Zusha wanted to take it slow he also felt it was no use if she was going to keep forgetting)

Her reactions were unsettling as she just obeyed people but still retain emotions and opinions but when woke up from sleeping always in this restrained position then she would ask about being tortured or going on silent spells only to be reminded she was no longer there or going there.

KIllua could not imagine if Gon turned out like that and admire Zusha's strength to some degree that Bisky declared as cute although she did eye him a bit now.

Then there was Gon. He remained asleep for the rest of the week which no one found weird but they were ready to see the boy awake now free of those strings.

Killua was in the room talking to Gon when the boy twitched. Killua held his breath seeing the boy twitch again before watching the boy's eyes open just staring.

Gon eyes were still dead and gone. They lost the haze in them but there was no emotion or signs of life in them or any of his body.

Gon was also unresponsive not responding to Killua and obviously, no touch stirred him.

The boy was taken into examination not shortly after but now he was back in his room with hazed staring, head bent and hair covering most of his face. They said he might never come out of it seeing the mental damage that could have been done.

Killua hated seeing his friend like this as he regularly talks to him.

"Gon it's safe now. You are worrying everyone too. Please do something, anything. Please come back to us. No matter how broken you are just come back, please. Alluka even made you an amuse card that you should see" Killua whispered before telling Gon stories again and even retelling the time they met from his view.

Killua did this for a whole other week though what worried him was still no side of the man who hurt Gon after all this time.

He wanted to make him pay for what he had done. He wanted to torture the man like he torture Gon but he won't have the ability to retreat into his mind. He will fill every moment of it.

Of course, when another week went by and still no response Killua decided to try to enter Gon's mind again to see if he could coax him out of this state.

He did wonder if the only reason he could do it was because of the string there but regardless he place his hand against Gon's temples starting his lightning palm focusing on his nen to reach into Gon's mind. To reach Gon.

That is when he felt then everything turned black.


Killua's eyes opened to see he was in some dark void now. There was no water infested with red string this time. Small Gon. Nor the house. Nothing.

Hunter x Hunter : Helping the FallenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon