New Tokyo Devils

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'This plane could not be any slower' Killua thought ansty as he watched the others were asleep now.

They were on the plane for about two days already but this was the earliest flight to New Tokyo that they had in York New without taking breaks in other countries.

Killua sighed, deciding to look out the window to distract himself from his thoughts that usually get dark pretty fast when he lets it and right now all he could think about was if Gon was okay. He probably wasn't. Gon text messages proved it as it proved how the usually happy boy was starting to lose himself with each recent text until he stopped.

Killua remembered clearly the day Gon stopped trying to communicate with him. He gave no mind to it, just happy that his phone stopped constantly buzzing and was hoping Gon got it. Killua had enough and he would no longer be here for the overly reckless boy ,but now Killua starts to regret it badly when he realizes how much pain he caused ignoring Gon instead of talking to a boy who probably believes Killua hates him or worse doesn't want him around.

At first Killua wanted to protect himself but now he sees how wrong he was. He doesn't really want Gon to leave him. He was just upset and wanted to keep hiself from breaking farther but now this.

So Killua plans to find Gon and talk to him. Apologize for ignoring Gon when he needed Killua the most and if he didn't want Killua around for what he did he would consent because what he did was awful. Though he will only leave after making sure Gon is okay and safe most of all.

Killua swore he will fix things this time and not just run away from his problems when things get rough and closed his eyes so he could sleeps away the rest of the plane ride.


The plane finally touched down at the airport at New Tokyo. A beautiful city with tall buildings in bright red and black and green colors.

There were pretty cherry blossom trees, bustling streets  full of food vendors, people playing music, children giggling while chasing a  ball. It seems like a wonderful place but Killua could care less about any of it as he hurriedly walked through the big airport crowd , even ignoring tour guides who offered bicycle tours through New Tokyo.

Killua was only focused on one thing and that was finding Gon.

In a few minutes the group got their bags and were now waiting outside to haul a taxi in the bustling city which made Killua cranky. He wanted to talk to Gon now.

"Urg why isn't there a taxi here yet? '' Killua hissed a bit while the others couldn't help but laugh at the white hair boy even if they felt the same way.

As if hearing Killlua scream a small Taxi had pulled up with Killua instantly flying it down so everyone could stuff themselves into the small yellow car after  putting their luggage in the trunk.

The small  car took off into the busy city street but the ride was tense as no one spoke for a while making the driver uncomfortable a bit so he tried to put on his bravest smile.

"Hello ladies and gents, welcome to New Tokyo  City. My name is Mr .Kusawa. Do you know where you going or would you like some nice recommendations from a local or-"

"We need you to take us somewhere." Killua off coldly. He was anxious to make it to Gon and he was wasting time talking to this man.

Mr .Kusawa winces but looks ahead with a weary smile.

"Sure and where would that be" he asked as they were now crossing a bridge to get on a tourist area street.

Killua looked at his watch to see it was 2:15 pm which was fine for him.

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