A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Zusha remembered how his life use to always to be  dull, and average. He was a really plain looking kid with your average dark brown hair cut a bit around the shoulder and ear, his plain black glasses, and pale skin, with brown eyes. Wearing the average blood red unifroms that clashed badly with his hair and glass.

He was not really rich either like the other kids in the school who were daughters of ambassors, or sons of wealthy bussinmen who hope to pass their company down to their sons.

No he came from a family who had humble being who earned a stable amount money to afford the school and its payment. His mother worked at an high end teahouse and his father use to film popular movies which Zusha had no interest in when he tried to give his son his camera that won him his first movie contest.

Zusha just took it and stuffed it in a box in his closet. Now they worked a house rental offering rooms to people which were few.

That was until Zusha met her. Lavendar. She stood out like a bright flower during a glumy stormy day. While others just pass her Zusha was smitten by her.

It was by chance when they first met but he would never forget it. He was walking away from his lockers when he saw her. She was just walking down the hallways until she turned to him and their eyes met. Zusha felt like a string was tied around his heart and squeezing it as he stared at her. She was beautiful. Angelic in a way. A flower. Her soft Lavender colored hair that were in huge curls all over her head stretching to her back, warm creamy hot choclate colored skin that made her Lavender color eyes pop as she only glanced at him before walking away.

Yet while she walked away Zusha was frozen. He felt his heart yank in her direction wanting to be near her more. To hold her. To kiss her.

After that day Zusha days were no longer plain and dull. No longer average as he could not stay away from her. The feeling scared him as from a distant he watched her. Her tall figure that was only a few inches under him, her plump lips that were a soft peach color, her quiet attitude but he sense there was more boiling under her skin.

He watched her for about two weeks. His parents laughing at him when he comes home and when he asked why they were laughing they said nothing.

It was on the third week did they explain when he took out his father camera to start filming her as if she was something to observe and capture .As if she would disappear if he did not.

Only then did his parent explain after their laugh quieted to chuckles. They say it was love and common in their family. His father felt the same feeling when he saw his mother.

A red string of faith that had been sent down to bond him to the purple hair girl. His parent chuckles then went silent as they warn him to keep her close, to watch her, to be careful as if one day she might disappear and if she did the string would snap and so will Zusha heart enough to kill him.

From that Zusha continued to watch her. Film her when she pushing a bit of hair out of her face. Her face from a distant. Her walking. He took his treasures home rewatching the videos feeling a hollow feeling in his chest like someone was missing besides him. He watched the videos and notice two things. One is her eyes. Her beautiful lavender eyes that shined like sugilite were dull and sad. It made his whole being quake when he watch all the videos to see in every one her eyes were so hollow and sad, the brightness of the color easily hid the sadness in them. Another thing he notice is she never smiled in anything of his clips. Her face always being neural or a frown.

Zusha almost cried that night to see was not happy. His parent held him as he cried for some reason looking at a picture of her frowning face as his parent comfort him saying it was alright but it wasn't because all this time she been unhappy and sad and had not known.

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