A Plan to Save Gon So We Gather the Troop

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Shock. Anger. Sadness. Denial. Pain.

That is what Killua felt as he let the phone clatter to the table as tears leaked out his eyes.

This isn't how he wanted things to go. He felt sick because he remembered not too long ago when he was in denial of Gon needing help. How he was so sick of the boy who broke him and pushed him away as if he did not mean anything.

Now he is in another mess that Killua had to fix, that Killua had to make better after the same boy once again brought him to tears. Once again his heart ached.

Everything was going fine so why did he have to drop everything to save Gon. He wasn't going to drop his sisters like that just so he could run to fix Gon's mistakes.

Yet, despite all of it. Despite it all Killua knew it was just his hurt talking.

A sob tore through the poor boy who sank to the floor crying because to add on to the pain more, Gon had apologizes, twice.

Of course Killua forgave him ,but after a while he felt crossed but to know during the time he was ignoring his friends he missed the apologies Gon was basically crying to him. His last text even told Killua to not forgive him and just forget him as if Killua could just do that.

Killua felt his heart break because he did the same thing again. Gon was hurting and falling apart and he could not help, he left. But this time it was so much worse than what happened to Kite.

In his act to fix himself and not get hurt again he closed himself up to his best friend who was the reason he was able to be here. Who had done the same thing Killua did when he got hurt.

"I am guessing you read the text messages, huh"

Killua sniffled as he looked up to see his sister and Bisky looked sadly down on him. Bisky walked up to Killua to help the boy up off the floor and took the bedroom bed while trying to get himself rein in a bit.

"Am so useless" Killua whispered and that got him a punch on the head by Bisky for.

"Big brother don't think that you aren't useless." Alluka said, hugging her brother tightly.

"you were hurt and made a mistake just like Gon. You guys were just hurt and accidentally ended up hurting each other. Maybe instead of pushing each other away you guys should talk this out" Alluka continued just when Nanika appeared and hugged Killua tighter.

"Don't be sad Killua. Nanika doesn't want Killua to be sad. Please be happy"

Killua felt his eyes mist up at his sister's words. They were right of course ,but...

"What about you guys?"

Alluka gave a big smile at her brother. "It's okay brother. You and gon when I first met you guys were such good friends and he makes you happy so please don't let him go Killua. At least go see and talk to him because I know you miss him. I know he hurt you but sometimes we hurt the people we care about and don't realize it."

Killua sighed, ducking his head as his cheeks heated up.

"i guess you're right"

"Oh and Killua don't forget,'' Bisky said, catching the boy's attention as she looked him straight in the eyes so she had his full attention.

"It is alright that you were taking yourself into consideration, it is good even because you deserve it. Don't forget that it is okay to think about yourself and not break yourself over someone else."

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