A Battle for the Praying

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Killua thought he would be ready. He saw Gon the first time he was in the hospital wrapped head to toe in bandages and decaying but this was worse.

Gon wasn't wrapped but had a breathing mask strapped to his face, an IV drip and so many wires that couldn't fit on his tiny body.

Gon was tiny and so still and so broken and well it broke Killua who pulled up a chair right next to Gon's bed.

Zusha had left for Lavender's room while his parent offered to bring back some food and clothing knowing this will be mostly an overnight stay in the hospital for the groups.

Kurapika, Bisky, and Alluka offered help by waiting to visit the boy and giving Killua who was thankful a moment to himself with Gon.

Killua sat down next to Gon holding his cold hand tightly even if he knew he could not feel it. Killua cursed that brother for exploiting and using his friend like the did squeezing it hard.

"Gon I know I said this so many times but I am so sorry. Please be okay."

Killua bowed his head wondering if he should enter back into Gon's mind but shot the idea down easily afraid of what it could do to Gon. Besides his hope probably finally disappear but if so Killua would be his hope again. Still, he wishes he could take his claws and rip the string out of Gon and he would be better. That's all it would take, and yet why every time it seems they are so close they seem so far.

Killua laid his head down on the bed next to Gon's listening to the heart monitor on the side. The rhythm reminded him that Gon was at least still alive and not dead.

For at least two weeks. Gon only had two weeks to live if they don't save him.

Killua could forever lose Gon to death in two weeks.

They needed to remove that string from him now but how. After the doctor diagnosed him they said the string will hurt Gon and the person who try to touch them and they even went far into his brain.

Killua held Gon's hand tighter until he hear the door open.

Turning his head he could see a doctor coming in the room with a kind smile, his hair tied back into a ponytail and eyes watching in empathy at the two boys with a clipboard in hand.

"Killua I presume"

"Yes, that is me" Killua nodded as the doctor sighed grimly.

"Well, I am going to cut to the chance then. I have been informed of your friend's condition and as confirmation, the source of his state is due to the string attached to his nerve and brain area. We could do surgery to remove them but the problem is the pain it inflicts on others who intervened. This nen is very powerful but sinister, no?"

The words of the doctors caught Killua's attention instantly. He knew about nen.

The doctor must have deduced what he was thinking of chuckling a bit.

"Yes, I do know nen. Leorio is that not the only nen using doctor out there but he is the first hunter doctor I had the pleasure to meet" the man continued to smile.

"So you can help save Gon," Killua asked the doctor hopefully and almost cried when he gave a slight nod.

"I can sure well try. This case is different in all right. Naturally, I can tell the strings are from a conjurer with vast medical knowledge and transmuter knowledge. My nen though allows me to freeze things in a time bubble that is useful for surgery or prolonging life as I control the time over it. Also when frozen in the bubble everything I desire to be frozen is so while in there your friend won't feel any pain nor will anyone else by much as we work on him. Of course, there is some drawback that might be pretty harmful if..."

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