Art Classes Pains and Bloody Roses

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Lunch was over in Kumira High as kids hurried back to their classes eager to get to the end of the day but during the rush a long greenish- black hair boy slowly walked past everyone to get his class going through a sea of hateful stares, disgusted sneers and teasing tuants. A long time ago they hurt, but now he say nothing because he deeply believed he deserved the treatment but after the four years he had been through he could longer even receive or register the hurt.

He turned emotionless. He doesn't feel or express anything. Emotions are selfish and will get others hurt. He only hurt others. He is useless, weak, and worthless, no one wants him and if anyone was to be around he would just be a burden.

He was just there, not really there as his hollow eyes just stared ahead paying no mind to the other kids who did not even bother to hide their hate for him.

He just takes the stones they throw at him, put them in a sack and drag them by himself without saying a word because why complain when he is just bad luck, a mistake. It is not like he is important to anyone as he shouldn't be.

If he feels emotions it would only destroy and kill others more than he already has. He did not deserve or have the right to cry or be angry and even so it would cost others so it was not worth it. He wasn't worth it.

He was a monster. That's how everyone else saw him. The black eyes devil they call him, or the long hair demon that will cut out your eyes and slowly kill you body and soul until there is not left of you, badluck, dumb, every vile name in the book.

He don't act like other minus the emotionless. He didn't sleep, as if he ever wanted to again. He hasn't eaten in so long but he knows what would happen if he denies him. If he stops doing what he demands. Under the bandages is a testament to that, to how weak and pathetic, useless, worthless, unwanted, selfish, a monster, and low he fell but he won't try to fix it. There was no reason or will to with his emotions shut off like they were and Gon knew it would take a miracle to bring them back.

His legs weak and broken, his heart was ripped out, shattered and thrown away, his mind was a wreck with all the 'fixings' he put him through, with all the torture he put him through so even if he left he could not come back normal.

Everything was too much. His sense did not work right. Etc....

That's when he remembered the phone conversation. Get rid of Killua or someone will get hurt. He knows he would target alluka, pin it on Gon and then....then....

Gon felt his legs go weak for a second and stumble just in time when someone almost threw a stapler at him. Too bad he can't feel anything. Not even pain. That is turned off too.

Gon felt that black pit in his chest cut into him but just ignore and got up to continue walking, stumbling.

Gon saw how much Killua wanted to fix things but Gon couldn't believe that, couldn't believe this was real, he was just doing it because Gon had to act like a big baby, a selfish brat.

if killua and any other of his friends got roped into what he was dealing with Gon would die on the spot knowing he sent his friends to their end, to him.

Gon was nothing now, he accepted the fate laid out for him. He was destined to fall because of how much he was chained to others and if giving up, surrendering would keep from holding his friends back, or getting them caught in his problems then so be it.

Still when he reached his next class which was art. If Gon had any emotion he would have been happy to go because there used to be relief in this class but now it wasn't. It was nothing just like him.

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