Chapter 1

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Thorin's lost. He's been walking for days on end without any rest, and he's run out of food and water long ago.

The forest he's in, is rather dark, and almost too quiet. In the distance he sees a light, as if the moonlight has broken through the high trees, clustered branches and leaves. He gets curious and starts walking towards it.

He stops behind some bushes and looks carefully over them to find a lake. He sighs with relief. Finally he can quench his terrible thirst.

He's just about to go down to the lake and have a mouthful of water when he sees movement stirring the lake's surface, rippling towards the shore.

He reaches for his bow and fits an arrow to the string. Whatever it is, he's prepared to fight.

Suddenly a creature rises from the water, walking towards the land. It's an elf. An ethereal female elf.

Thorin lowers his bow as he watches her emerge from the lake. She's naked, water running down her pale skin, her long brown hair clinging to her back.
Thorin's utterly stunned by her beauty. He observes her drying off and getting dressed.
He's decided to approach her, but he'll wait with making his appearance till she's fully clothed, but before she gets to her weapons and starts arming herself.

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