Chapter 23

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During the evening, both Gandalf and a hobbit enter the city.
Fehlina keeps close to her king's tent, and learns that the hobbit, named Bilbo, was the one who set the dwarves free during the night of the Feast of Starlight.
He's also brought something from Erebor; the king's jewel, the Arkenstone.
Thranduil doesn't change his mind about attacking in the morning, but the Arkenstone might help stop the war. One can only hope.

Fehlina goes to see Bilbo after the meeting in the tent.
"How's Thorin?" she asks.
"It's you!" Bilbo exclaims.
"You know who I am?" Fehlina's surprised.
"I was hiding in that dark corridor when you and Thorin hid behind the pillar," Bilbo explains, referring to the dwarves' stay in Mirkwood.
"But I didn't see you," Fehlina's curious.
"I... Never mind," Bilbo says, shrugging it off.
"You want to know how Thorin is... Well, he's not the same. He's ill," Bilbo looks at her.
"Oh no," tears wells up in Fehlina's eyes yet again.
"He's not physically ill, but mentally. He's long gone. He's not even friendly to his own kin."

Fehlina must sit down, the news about Thorin making her knees wavering with worry. She can't believe it. Bilbo puts a hand on her shoulder. "You really like him, don't you?" he aks. "Like him? I love him," Fehlina says, tears running down her cheeks. "We have to save him."

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