Chapter 19

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Fehlina leads Thorin down the stairs to his cell. He walks in freely, and she locks the door behind him.
She pretends to drop the keys so she can get down closer to Thorin's face.
"I'll try to get you out somehow," she whispers. "Maybe tonight, or sometime in the near future. I just have to figure out a way to do it."
Thorin are grasping the bars of his cell door.
"I have to go now," Fehlina says and looks at him while carefully running her fingers over his hands before she turns to leave.

"Wait!" Thorin exclaims.
She turns around to face him in his cell.
He reaches out his fist between the bars and then opens it. Inside his palm, there's a ring.
"I want you to have this," he says. "Whatever happens, I want you to have this to remember me by."
Fehlina takes the ring, looking at him with longing expression.
"Thank you!" she says, putting her hand over her heart, bowing her head in gratitude. Then she rushes off with tears in her eyes.

Fehlina's in her room getting ready for the Feast of Starlight. She puts Thorin's ring on a chain and wears it as a necklace since it's too big for of her slender fingers, though, even if it did fit, she could only have worn it in the confined space of her quarters.
She hides the ring inside the collar of her dress and is on her way to the dining room.
She knows she has to act nonchalant and totally unaffected by Thorin and his company, but helping them escape's the only thing on her mind.

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