Chapter 21

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The orc only tells the king what Fehlina already knows, but the dark threats he delivers just before he's beheaded, is quite disturbing.
Fehlina's about to leave Thranduil and Legolas, when the king stops her.
"Legolas' told me that you have met Thorin, on your journey," the king says.
"That is correct, my lord," Fehlina replies.
"How well do you know him?" Thranduil puts her under a scrutinizing stare.
"I don't," Fehlina says and tries to act indifferent.
The king still stares at her, trying to make her break, to get her to tell more, but Fehlina stays unaffected by his inquiry.
"Very well, you can go now," Thranduil says and waves his hand at her in a dismissive manner.

Days go by, but there's no word or whisper from either bird or beast of Thorin, the rest of his company or the dragon Smaug. Just a quiet nothing.
But suddenly one day, one of the king's scouts returns with urgent haste.
Fehlina's near the throne room and overhears the news; Thorin and his company has reached Erebor and Smaug's attacked Lake Town, but is now dead, pierced by a black arrow.
Fehlina puts her right hand over her heart. She hopes to the Valar Thorin's all-right.

The king gives orders to bring food and aid to the people of Lake Town, and rallies up his army. "We're heading for the city of Dale in two days!" the king states. "And be prepared; we might have to fight!"
Fehlina falters behind the cover of a pillar. If Thranduil declares war towards Thorin, she's in for a big loyalty issue; her people or her heart.

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