Chapter 5

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Fehlina packs together the rest of her stuff. She suddenly remembers that Thorin said he came from behind the bushes she had been standing naked in front of moments earlier.
"How long where you hiding in the bushes?" she asks him.
Thorin looks away, rather flushed.
"Don't tell me," Fehlina says, realizing he's probably seen her naked.
Thorin's looking down, running his fingers shyly through his hair.
Fehlina doesn't blush or get even the slightest bit embarrassed. She doesn't care if he's seen her without her clothes on. She has other worries on her mind.

"You said you're from the Woodland Realm, what brings you here, so far from home?" Thorin asks Fehlina.
"Adventures," Fehlina states and smiles.
Thorin smiles too.
"Really? And what have you experienced so far?" he wonders.
"Not that much really. The highlights' been being spied at by a dwarf, and then being rescued by one," she looks at him.
"Thank you for that by the way, for killing the warg back there." Fehlina bows her head in gratitude towards Thorin.
"You're welcome," he says, smiling and nodding his head once back at her.

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