Chapter 30

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Thorin's been listening in on Fehlina and Thranduil's conversation. He knows it isn't a very merry setting to do what he's about to do, but he's afraid this is the only chance he's going go get.
They may love each other, but they also belong with their kin, and to their sworn duties. He's to rise as king, but what is a king without his queen?

"Fehlina, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks.
"Go," Thranduil says and nods his head in Thorin's direction.
Fehlina walks over to where Thorin's standing.
"I know this isn't the best time or place to be doing this given we're in the aftermath of a battle, but we're alive, and I am because of you, so I just got to know," Thorin starts saying.
"Know what?" Fehlina asks.
"To know if you'll be my wife. Fehlina, will you marry me?" Thorin sits down on one knee and takes her hand, looking up at her fair face and into sky blue eyes.
"YES!" Fehlina shouts in profound happiness and throws herself at Thorin. They fall onto the ground in a tight embrace, Fehlina giving Thorin a soft kiss.
Everyone present has been watching the proposal, and somehow they all manage to smile. To see some light in the darkness that's been upon them.


A couple of months later, things were starting to get back to "normal".
Fili and Kili were getting better. The battlefield's been cleared and the people of Lake Town has gotten their share of the treasure to start rebuilding their lives.
Thranduil got his precious gems of pure starlight, the dispute of old finally ended.
Dwarves have started returning to Erebor to help restore the city to it's former glory.
They did not approve of Thorin's choice of wife when they first heard, but when they learned that she helped saving their king's life in battle, they warmed up to her.
In fact, songs were sung of the elven maiden from the forests of Mirkwood deep, who saved The King under the Mountain from eternal sleep.

Thorin and Fehlina was wed by Balin, and Fehlina wore a beautiful gown given to her by Thranduil.
Their union helped lessening the quarrel between Elves and Dwarves, both kins present at the wedding.
Thorin was a great king, with a good and helpful queen by his side. They were forever in love till very the end.

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