Chapter 7

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Fehlina walks right to the Inn of the Prancing Pony. She gets a room before walking into the bar to get something to eat and drink.
She's still wearing her cloak and hood. She doesn't want to reveal herself just yet, not before she's scouted the room, and located any enemies.

The food and beverage are served, and just as she starts eating, Thorin enters the room.
He doesn't see her as she's sitting at the back of the bar, hiding.
Fehlina watches him take off his cloak and sit down, placing his order with the barmaid.

Some rather foul looking men stare at Thorin from each side of the room.
Thorin doesn't notice them.
Fehlina reaches for the dagger in her boot, ready to step in if there's any sign of trouble.

Thorin's food is being served, and he gives the waitress a smile.
Fehlina smiles as well, sitting there by here lonesome, finding him kinda cute.
She's snapped out of her admiration as the foul men stand up and start lurking towards Thorin. Thorin's sensed the threat as well, and has slowly stopped eating.
He's just about to grab his sword when a tall man with a pointy hat sits down in front of him.

Fehlina sighs with relief. It's the wizard Gandalf the Grey. She doesn't know him, but she knows of him, and knows he's a nice character, that Thorin's in safe hands.

The foul men have stepped back, so Fehlina starts eating again, and watches Thorin and Gandalf with great interest.

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