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* I guess I'm writing in OMNISCIENT for now, or until the girls get older. You'll know when."

"Hey, Janet?" Toni called out while returning her favorite teddy bear to it's everyday place on the rocking chair.

"Hmm" she responded simply, never taking her eyes off of Mr.Baloo.

"Why are you wearing overalls?" Toni found them rather interesting. She'd alway did like clothes of the sort. But her mother never allowed her to wear such things. Janet began to pull at her hands and examine her own clothes. Toni returned back to her place on the carpet next to Janet.

"I.. I don't know, they're the clothes my father gives me. I don't have dresses." Janet began to feel embarrassed. Her family was very blessed in the money area, as was Toni's. Although the two are from wealthy families, there life's are far from the same.

"You don't like them?" Janet's voice was very low, she felt more than ashamed. Toni shook her head profusely.

"I do, mother doesn't let me wear anything but dresses." Toni put her head down as well. An idea popped inside the young Janet's head. A shy smile over turned her frown as she looked up at her friend.

"I like dresses. We could switch!" Toni's eyes lit up at the idea. Both girls stood to their feet hand and hand. Jumping excitedly and giggling. Quickly Toni ran into her closet, it was filled with many dresses and princess gowns she always played in. Usually by herself.

"Come quick Jan, you can pick one" Janet ran over to the closet, she smiled to herself at the nickname her new friend had given her. The two girls searched for the perfect outfit for less than two minutes before finding it.

"Oh, this one would look so very beautiful on you Jan!" Toni squealed at the sight of the light purple dress. With tiny, sparkly Jews all over it. A matching silver necklace hung from the hanger, along with white princess gloves. Toni grabbed Janet's hand and lead her to the half bathroom in her playroom. Gently pushing Janet inside she handed her the dress, patiently waiting for her to change and come out.

Surprisingly the two children wore the exact same size. Which only made things easier. Within a short five minutes out came an excited Janet dressed in the beautiful dress recently given to her. Toni gasped from surprise before clapping repeatedly. Janet blushed.

"You look beautiful!"

"Oh how lovely you look, my dear. This dress is rather gorgeous on you." Toni imitated her mother. Making both girls laugh. Janet bushed even more. Nobody ever called her beautiful. Not in the way she wanted to be called beautiful anyway.

"Let's go show our mommy's!" Toni grabbed Janet's hand but this time she stood still. It looked as if she'd eaten something rotten. Her face had a scared look on it. Toni frowned her eyebrows as she turned around .

"What's wrong Jan?"

"I don't wanna show my mother.."

"Why not?"

There was an awkward moment of silence between the girls. Janet pulled at her fingers and avoid Toni's gaze completely.

"She won't like it.."

"Of course she will! She's your momma."

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