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Omniscient </3

Janet returned to Toni's room to find her asleep. Which came as a great relief to the young girl. Noticing she had put her clothes back on, she wrapped her Toni in a loose blanket. Unwilling to move her out of what looked to be such a comfortable sleep. Toni shifted in her sleep just a little as she felt the blanket being wrapped around her.

"Jan?" Toni spoke sleepily.


"Lay with me, yeah?" Toni had already began to pull Janet into her arms.

"I guess I don't have a choice now." Janet chuckled. Toni didn't respond, instead she'd nuzzled her head into the crook of Janet's neck. Intertwining their limbs, Janet wrapped her arms around her best friends waist tightly.

Once again Janet felt safer here, in this exact place than anywhere before.

"You didn't even open your gift."

"I don't have to."

"And why is that?"

Toni raised her head to look into Janet's eyes. Just as she began to get lost in them, she put her head back where it was and squeezed Janet even tighter.

"Because.. all I really wanted was this."


"Yes, This. I wanted you."

Janet's face grew hot again. Before she even got the chance to respond Toni had beat her to it.

"Now shush, you're ruining my birthday party." Toni gave a half asleep laugh before kissing Janet's neck softly. Although a sleepy Toni had much to say, she kept it for a moment in the future. Janet's eyes grew heavy and her blinks became longer, until both girls had drifted off to sleep.

The Next Morning

Janet had woken up long before her best friend. Which wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Both Mrs. Evelyn and Janet agreed on making Toni breakfast, since she didn't get to have it on her actual birthday. On the menu was; waffles, eggs, grits, bacon, sausages, and orange juice. All of Toni's favorites and then some.

"So how did it go last night, huh?" Evelyn asked Janet in a knowing manner.

"Oh please, E. Do not start with this." Janet starting to blush already. Over the years Janet and Mrs. Evelyn had become close. Close enough for Janet to call her by her first name when ever it was just the two of them. Closer than Janet and her own mother. Sad, some might say. But to the pair? A blessing.

"I'm simply asking, Dunk. You didn't seem to like that manly tree girl. And she left rather upset. I wonder what happen?!" Evelyn gave a fake concerned expression.

"Fine I'll tell you." Mrs. Evelyn squealed as she turned the waffle maker to a low temperature and sat at the island with her chin in her palm. Waiting for all of the details on her daughter and her best friend.

"Do you know, that thing called my Toni. Our Toni. 'Toni Michele." Evelyn's mouth fell agape in surprise. She pressed her lips together and shook her head side to side.

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