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Janet <3

It's awkward now.. Toni's wife looks familiar. Her name sounds even more familiar, I feel like I know her. She sure seems like she knows me. And hates me for that matter.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. I'll get back to Evelyn's house now." I stood from my seat and tried to dry my eyes.

"Actually I'll go with you. Usually mother and I have Sunday dinner together. Bree goes over to her moms house." Toni chimed in as she helped her wife unpack their groceries. Calling someone else "Toni's Wife" doesn't feel right. That should be me, I should have that ring. And I should have given Toni her ring. We should be unpacking groceries. Not them.

"Do you want me to wait, or..?"

"Uh, yeah. If you don't mind. It's up to you?" Said Toni, she seemed preoccupied. I slowly nodded my head and and waited. Toni stood at the fridge, putting lettuce inside and her wife walked up behind her. She placed her hands on Toni's waist and gently moved her out of the way.

"Excuse me, baby." She said, kissing Toni softly on the lips. I rolled my eyes, that's disgusting. For her to kiss Toni was unnecessary. All it took was excuse me, but no. She's extra. Toni seems happy though, which is all I really want.

"Janet, could you pass me that last bag?" Toni asked me, pointing to the paper bag.

"Sure" I handed it to her and almost instantly she dropped it. Before I even had the chance to help her, Bree did.

"Michele! I done told you about trying to take the heavy bags." Her wife said with a laugh. That struck an nerve. And I memory. That's the girl from the night in Toni's room, when I almost beat her ass..

•Flash Back •

"Toni Michele! Stop tickling me this instant, I shall sue you for such foul treatment!"  The Breeder laughed out.

That hit a nerve.

"No. You can't call her that." My words were slow and stern, but still loud enough for the both of them to hear.

"Huh?" Toni raised her eyebrows at me.

"She can't call you that. I call you Michele. So no. She's no, allowed to call you 'Toni Michele' ever."

"It's just a name, Hanna." Bee lady mumbled under her breath.

"My names Janet, for one. And two; you're right, it is a name. One you can't call her. So you've been dismissed. Bye." I said all while walking over to the bed and sitting in between them. I sat Toni's gift on her mirror stand.

"Jan, why are you being rude?" Toni asked. I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay bee keeper. You can leave now." I spit out at her.

"I'm not leaving until 'Michele' tells me to leave." She snapped back. I could feel my fist clenching. Toni could see as well, she grabbed one of them and forced me to release the grip on myself.

"Jan, your knuckles are white. Stop it." She whispered to me. My eyes never left Breezy B's.

"B.. I'll— I'll call you later, yeah?" Toni spoke softly. I didn't look at her but I could tell by her voice she was saying sorry through her eyes. Bumble Bee just sucked her teeth before storming off.

"I'll leave your clothes downstairs." She huffed on her way out.


I want to say something, but I can't. That's her wife, she's got every right to call her anything she wants to. I just cleared my throat and picked up the reminder paper bag that had fallen.

"I'll just see you there, I can hear Evelyn yelling at me now." I tried to make my voice light and joke like.

"Wait, Jan.. I wanted to ride with you. So we could finish talking? Bree can come get me later."

She called me "Jan". My heart just skipped four beats. I tried to hide a smile but I'm sure they both noticed.

"Yeah, that's fine.. I'll just wait in the car."

"We're almost done here, right babe?" Toni asked Billy. She nodded her head and smiled at me. I smiled back and went out to the car. It only took five minutes before Toni and her bumble bee walked out hand and hand. She kissed chicka chicka boom boom before getting into my car with a smile.

"Sorry about that." Her mood seemed lighter.

"It's fine, what did you wanna talk about?"

"I wanna talk about us, Jan." I looked over at her before pulling out of the drive way and out onto the road.

"What about us?" I asked casually. As if my heart wasn't beating just as fast as this car is going.

"I don't want it to be weird. I feel like it's awkward, and I don't want that. It doesn't have to be like it used to be, but it can be normal. Like friends?" I smiled at her briefly before looking back at the road.

"Definitely!" I said excitedly, once we got back to Evelyn's house Toni jumped out the car. Running over to the drivers side, she opens my door and grabbed my hand. Pulling me inside the house. It reminded me of when we were younger. Her wall is coming down.

The door was already unlocked so we practically flew into the house. Once Toni saw Evelyn she let go of my hand and hugged her mother. Which I followed suit.

"Hello, mother." Said Toni.

"Hey, baby." Said Evelyn. Then greeting me and I did the same.

"I'll get started on dinner, Jan wanna help me?" I couldn't even hide my smile. I nodded my head and followed her to the kitchen.

"Wait, I have to speak with Janet first." Evelyn grabbed my wrist as I went to towards the kitchen. She pulls me into a seat next to her and glared at me.

"What happen?" She asked, trying to hide a smile.

"Nothing.. I apologized. I told her half the truth.. not about René but about Katherine." Evelyn smiled at me before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm proud, now go flirt. Or I'll kick you out." She said while pushing me off the couch and towards the kitchen. I giggled while catching myself before I fell from her push. Toni and I cooked dinner for Evelyn together, it was fun. Kind of like old times, except she wasn't all touchy feely like she used to be. I could tell she was fighting the urge, she's always liked physically contact. Toni never was good with words, which was why she used her hands and attitude to express herself.

"Jan, I can't reach the flour. Get it." Toni ordered, she pouted with her arms folded as I walked over to the counter.

"Shorty." I whispered, playfully she poked my side.

"Yeah, you're one inch taller than me!" She argued. For the rest of the night we argued about our height. I missed this. I missed us.


This is just a really bad filler, again.

How long do you think Toni will keep her hands to herself?

Vote and comment to let me know💚.

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