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Omg, thanks for 1K reads.. I barely like this book😭💚.

Omniscient </3

Toni and Janet sat at the kitchen island, all the food had been cooked and the three women finished eating not too long ago. Only thing left to do is a few dishes and sweeping, the two caught up on lost time. Laughing and giggling, just like they used to. Occasionally Evelyn would walk into the kitchen, just being her natural nosey self. As the two old friends talked about all the years Toni's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Said Toni into her phone. Janet could hear muffled words coming from the other end. Her bright smile slowly faded as the muffled speaking continued, which caused Janet to grow worried. Toni rolled her eyes at the phone, and quickly hanging up on whoever was on the other side. She groaned of frustration before raising her head and apologizing for her outburst.

"I'm sorry, that was Bree. She can't come get me, looks like we're having a sleep over." Toni said sarcastically, but the thought actually made Janet smile.

"Just like old times?" Janet said with a smirk, Toni reminisced for a moment. As the memories came flooding back she smirked at Janet.

"Oh, please!" Toni said with a laugh, leaning across the island and pushing Janet's shoulder playfully. The two women laughed a bit more before Evelyn walked back into the kitchen, for the eightieth time tonight.

"Alright I'm off to bed, my long lost love birds." Said Evelyn, turning on her heels and slowly walking to her room. Janet blushed and put her hand down, while Toni shook her head.

"Mother!" Toni said in a warning tone, rubbing her temple with her eyes closed. She could hear her mother snickering and laughing all the way from her room. Toni looked over a a blushing Janet, taking in all of her radiant beauty. It gave her heart that unfamiliar pattern, one she hadn't experienced since her teenage years. Toni noticed that many small details about her best friend have yet to change.

"You still do that thing!" Said Toni, noticing that Janet's cheeks always turn bright red when ever she's embarrassed and such. Janet put her face in her hand, covering her face and shaking her head no.

"Oh, God! Don't look at me, I hate when that happens." Janet's voice soft and full of embarrassment. Toni walked over to Janet's side of the island. Pulling her hands away from her face. Janet moved her face in efforts to keep Toni from seeing her bright red face.

"No! You shall let thy see! You look adorable!" Said Toni, in her playfully high saditty voice. It only made Janet laugh and blush harder. Toni fought to keep Janet's hands away from her face and Janet fought to hide it. After a few moments of playful fighting Janet finally gave in, allowing Toni to see her bright smile and rosie cheek.

"God, I've missed your smile so much Jan." Toni said more to herself than anyone else. The two just stared at one another for a moment. Basking in the bliss of having each other back in their lives. Toni felt herself leaning in and abruptly pulled away. Janet flinched, covering her head with her hands. Once she realized she wasn't being hit Janet slowly put her hands down and sat up straight.

"Sorry—" Janet Apologized. It confused Toni, she hadn't done anything wrong for her to be apologizing?

"You didn't do anything, you don't have to say sorry." Toni frowned her eyebrows slightly and tilted her head. Janet was acting weird.

"Oh..sorry.." Janet apologized again. It only confused Toni even more. Until it didn't, Toni remembered back to the girls childhood. How Janet would always apologize for no reason. It took nearly forever for Toni get Janet to stop. It seemed that habit had returned. But who was the cause of it?

Toni brushed it off, telling Janet that it was fine. That she still hadn't done anything that deserves an apology. She figured it was no longer her place to question such acts. Janet cleared her throat and stood from the bar stools that was placed at the Island. For the next few minutes the women cleaned the kitchen in a awkward silence. With only the sound of Janet sweeping and Toni's dish water splashing breaking it.

"I could take you home? I've got nothing to do." Offered Janet. Toni declined the offer, she hated being home alone. Which is why she spent most her time with mother whenever she wasn't working.

"No it's fine, I rather stay here. Being home alone isn't good for me." Toni said said with a laugh. Playfully waving Janet's offer off.

"I could stay with you?" Janet mumbled, it was just an inner thought that somehow escaped her lips. Toni raised her head from the sink and looked at Janet.

"Okay." She said, placing the wet dish in the drying rack. Janet's face had a shocked expression. She wasn't expecting for Toni to agree.

"Okay?" Janet repeated, making sure what she heard was indeed correct.

"Yeah, you said we could have a sleep over. Let's stop at the store and we can get some stuff. Come on." Toni dried her hands with a cloth before leaving the kitchen. Still in shock Janet set the broom down and followed after her. The two grabbed their belongings and headed for the door.

"Oh wait, let me tell mother we're leaving. She'll kill us both if we don't." Toni joked, she went inside Evelyn's room and notified her of where her and Janet would be. And to call if anything happened. Shortly after Toni returned with a soft smile.

"We can go now." She said, opening the door and letting Janet go first.

"I'd say make me some grand-babies but that's impossible!" Evelyn yelled before Toni and Janet closed the door. Toni's mouth nearly fell to the floor and Janet couldn't hold her laugh.

"Good night, mother!"

"Good night, Evelyn!" Janet said through her giggles. As the women walked to Janet's car they laughed and talked out just how crazy Evelyn Braxton was.


Sorry for the late update, what do you think will happen at the sleepover?

Is the book confusing? I'm trying to stay on plot, so if it seems rushed I'm sorry.

Vote and comment to let me know💚!

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