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"You coming in?" Asked Toni, she unbuckled her seat and opened her car door. Janet pulled at her ear, contemplating on weather she was willing to take the rest.

"Uh, no. I should stay here." Said Janet, she forced a smile and Toni gave one back.

"Okay, I shouldn't take to long." Toni stepped out the car and just before she could close it Janet called her name.

"Toni, wait!" She yelled out. Catching Toni by surprise she opened her door again.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Asked Toni, her voice sounded panicked.

"Don't—leave me." Whispered Janet. She looked around the parking lot as if somebody was watching her. Toni looked around too, there was barely any cars. She raised her eyebrows at Janet, slowly shaking her head in confusion.

"Jan, how am I supposed to go in the store?" Toni asked with a small chuckle. Janet didn't laugh in return, she looked at Toni with pleading eyes and her smile faded.

"I don't know.."

Toni looked at Janet, trying to figure out what she was saying. And weather she was serious of not. By the look in her eye Toni realized she was.

"So Jan, you'll have to come with me. One of us has to go in the store if we both don't." Janet sat in silence, twirling her fingers in thought. Finally she looked up at Toni.

"Okay I'll go, but there's one thing." Said Janet.


"You have to hold my hand—and you can't let go. At all." Toni hesitantly shook her head.

"Um.. okay" Toni agreed. Janet let out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the car. Quickly she ran over to the passenger side and grabbed hold of Toni's hand. Squeezing it tightly at first, than releasing to a casual hold.

The friends walked into Walmart hand and hand. Janet walked closely to Toni, every now and again she'd look over her shoulder.

Toni wanted to asked, but she still felt it wasn't her place any longer. Although she did ask if everything was okay, trying not to sound too nosey.

"Jan, are you sure you're okay? You seem.. nervous?" Toni asked, true concern in her voice.

Janet looked over at her friend with scared eyes.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. The last time I was out alone I got ambushed.. that's all." Janet lied. She was in fact looking for her husband. After all he is the man she's hiding from. The fear of him finding her again was one she couldn't shake, even if she was with Toni.

The women walked closely together through the store. Filling the cart with all kinds of snacks and candies. Along with some blankets and card games. Nearly everything their teenage selves would've gotten. Within an hour Toni and Janet had made it to the house. Janet grabbed most of the bags while Toni unlocked the door.

Once everything was taken out of the bags and set on either the table or the fridge, the women went to shower. Janet was excited for the future activities but she couldn't shake the feelings that someone was watching her. That rené is watching her.

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