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Janet <3

"Janet,  Jan—et. Get up." I felt soft hands shake my waist gently. I shifted in my sleep, not wanting to wake up.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled, reaching for a blanket to pull over my head. There was none.

"No, it's five o'clock. I've let you nap. Get up." Toni whispered in my ear. Finally I sat up in her lap and gave a death stare. Rubbing my eyes so that I could get a better look at her beautiful face.

"Why did you wake me up?" I said grumpily. She chuckled before leaning her forehead against mine and pouting.

"I'm bored. And Damita is at the creek with her duck friends. So entertain me!" She looked into my eyes and gave a pleading gaze. I pushed my forehead against hers before letting my head fall onto her shoulder.

"But I'm tired, Michele. There's nothing to do!" I said as Toni gently pushed me off of her lap and stood from the couch. I poked my bottom lip out and reached my hands out for her to sit back down. She was so comfortable. But she just shook her head. She rested her hands on her hips and glared at me.

"I've let you nap for almost three hours. It's time for fun, Damita Jo." I sighed and sat up correctly on the couch before rolling my eyes.

"So what exactly did you have in mind, Toni Michele?" I asked. Toni smirked at me while tapping her pointer finger against her chin.

"Hmmm" she mumbled while raising her eyebrows. I tilted my head in question, just watching and waiting for her answer. She bit her lap while climbing into my lap. Straddling it. Wrapping her hands around my waist, my hands somehow found her thighs and rested upon them.

Once again she pressed her forehead against mine and looked into my eyes. Is it me, or is it hot in here??

"Do you really want to know what I wanna do?" Her voice was deep and seductive. It sent chills down my spine. I nodded my head yes and bit my lip shyly.

"Yes." I uttered out.

"Are you sure?" Asked Toni. I could feel her inching her lips closer to mine. I didn't dare pull away. Our foreheads still rested on one another's.

"Yes, Michele." I said with a chuckle.

"I want to kiss you." She whispered into my ear, biting it softly as she pulled away. I shuttered from her touch.

"You do..?" I asked, now pulling at the exact ear she'd bitten moments ago.

"I really.. really, do." Toni looked me deeply in the eyes once again as our lips came closer and closer together. My body was nearly on fire.

"So can I?" I could feel her cool, minty breath against my lips.

"Can you what—" I tried my best to remain calm. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Can I kiss you? Please?" Her hands slowly moved from my waist and softly wrapped around my neck. Now pulling me in, ever so slowly.

"Y—yes.." without hesitation Toni closed the almost nonexistent space between us. Her plump lips quickly pressed against mine and my heart almost exploded. Leaving just a peck she pulled away. I held her waist tightly as she looked into my eyes. A smile formed on her face while I was still in shock.

"Can I do it again?" She asked, her eyes fell to my lips. Staring at them. Instead of answering I pressed my lips back against hers and she gasped from surprise. Momentarily in shock, then she fell into me. Deepening it; she slipped her tongue into my mouth, making me moan into hers. As if we weren't close enough I tried to pull her in even more.

"Jan.." she said against me, trying to pull away but I wouldn't allow it.

"Jan.. Janet! Jane—"


My eyes shot up. There stood Randy, shaking me awake like the imbecile he is. I turned on to my back, throwing a pillow at his head.

"What!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and threw the pillow back.

"Mother wants you. You're late for work." He grinned. I rolled my eyes back at him and reluctantly got out of bed. Today's the last day of shooting and it couldn't have come sooner. It's almost summer and I can see Toni again. Hopefully, ever since that night mother barely allows me to see her. Maybe if I get Evelyn to convince her she'll allow it.

Realizing I'd already be in trouble for oversleeping I rushed into the bathroom to get ready. It took around fifteen minutes for me to get completely dressed. I ran downstairs to see mother waiting by the door. An angry expression on her face.

"You're late."

"Sorry, mother. I overslept."

"Jackson's. Don't. Over. Sleep. Are you not a Jackson?" Her voice was cold and harsh. She bent down to be eye level with me, staring far past my soul.

"Y—yes, mother. I am."

"Not if you're oversleeping you're not! Probably dreaming about the God forsaking Toni! With all you're disgusting desires!"

She yelled loudly in my face. I fought back the many tears that threatened to fall. Knowing it would only make my punishment far more painful.

"No—I wasn't thinking about Toni!" I lied. Of course I was dreaming of Toni. Why wouldn't I be? You've seen her, she's gorgeous. What else did she expect from me? Toni was and still is my only friend. I had no other friends; weather male or female, she was the only one. I was bound to fall for her sooner or later.

Mother's hand slapping me across the face pulled me out of thought. A single year fell down my cheek as I inhaled deeply from shock.

"Who do you think your yelling at, young lady? And to yell a lie?!" She shouted again. I went to yell again but lowered my voice drastically.

"I'm not lying, mother. I swear." She exhaled slowly, examining my body language. Then she leaned down back into my face.

"You're lying. Jackson's don't lie. This is why you're not a Jackson. Go to your father. He'll deal with you." Mother cut her eyes at me as she pointed to the stairs. Sending me to off to be punished.


Yes, I know this is shorter than usual. But I just want to give a small insight on what exactly goes on in the Jackson household.

Vote and comment what you think💕.

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