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Toni <3

Mother and I pulled up to The Jackson home and I was in shock. My house is big, but Janet's is humongous. We got to the gate and someone asked who we were through an intercom. Once they let us in we took a long drive up a road that lead to the stunning home.

Walking up to the door we knocked and soon Janet answered. She smiled at me.

"Jan!" I exclaimed, holding my arms out for her to jump into. Like she always did, but this time she didn't. Slowly she walked into my arm and hugged me with only one arm wrapping around my waist. I frowned my eyebrows as my smile faded.

"Hi, Toni." Janet's voice sounded.. dead? Not like her usual softly high pitched tone. She moved out of the door way, allowing mother and I to walk in. Closing the door behind us we walked into the huge living room.

"Hello, Ms.Evelyn." Janet nodded her head and smile half heartily at mother. Who in return smiled back then held her arms out for a hug. I could see Janet hesitating to hug her, but she did so anyway. She held onto mother seemingly tight and longer than usual. I thought nothing of it.

For some reason the Jackson house seem... Cold—like a dark cloud hovers around. After a moment of silence Janet pulled away from mother.

"Wheres Katherine?" She asked. Janet cleared her throat before speaking.

"She's uh—upstairs. Taking a nap, I believe." Janet scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"I'll go up myself." With that mother went upstairs and I could hear her knocking on a door.

"So. Can I have a tour?!" I turned to Janet and smiled brightly. She didn't say anything, instead nodded her head and walked out of the living room. Motioning for me to follow her and I did. She walked into the kitchen and stood by the fridge.

"This is the kitchen. See, a stove. Where you food food" She pointed to the stove with a sad expression on her face. I could tell she was down and trying to hide it but was failing terrible.

"Now we can go look at my room." She sighed and took off upstairs. Once we made it to her room she plopped on the edge of her head and looked around.

"This is my room! Tuh-daahh" she sarcastically did jazz hands.

"It's pretty, Jan." I looked around a bit.

"Thanks." She whispered more to herself than to me. Janet laid back on the bed, her feet dangling off the edge of the bed now. I watched her close her eyes and take a deep breath.

"Where are we going back to your house, Toni?" I snapped my head back at her. Realizing she only calls me "Toni" when I've done something wrong. Her eyes remained closed as she awaited my response. I crept over to the bed and slowly climbed into her lap.

"Ouch!" Her eyes shot open and she released what sounded like a painful scream. My eyes widened as I put my hands up.

"What happen?? Did I hurt you?" I said while getting off of her. She held her waist and rubbed it, as if it would get rid of the pain.

"Jesus.." she groaned.

"Janet.." I said concerned. She looked at me, but avoided eye contact.

"Yeah?" Her voice was still low, as if it wasn't her speaking.

"What's wrong..?" I whispered.

"I—" she cut herself off and sighed, rubbing her forehead. She shook her head and looked up from her lap.

"Nothing! I'm fine, just tired. We got back from shooting not too long ago. That's all." I could tell the smile she gave was forced.

"Well can I have a proper hug?" I crossed my arms. She narrowed her eyebrows and looked at me. I just held my arms out and waited for her to hug me correctly.

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