Chapter 15

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Today was a day I tell I never wish to have kids when I grow up. They are evil demons.

"See YA Corey" Jake waved as the little boy left with his mom.

"These kids" I said "they demons"

"No they are not you just got to find their weakness and strengths". Jake said picking toys up.

I joined helping pick up the toys and put them in the box. When we picked the last toy. It started raining outside.

"Thank you boys for helping I was low on workers today". Mama k said.

"Why" I asked

"Because we having a rain storm around 11". She said looking out the window " Its already starting you guys should start heading home"

"Oh...ok" I said

Jacob got his jacket and I got mines too heading out. we head into my car and I started the engines.

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"Yea" he nodded.

"Whatchu wanna eat?" I asked.

"Pizza" he smiled. "I want pepperoni on it and sausage"

"Oh well I'm getting pineapples and ham". I said

"Eww...really pineapples?" Jake grimaced

"Hey I like it didn't say nothing about your pork and beef pizza" I pointed

"Touché" he raised his hand up in defeat

We stop by papa johns and order are pizza we waited for about 30 minutes and finally got it.

We head into the car again and started driving off

"Hey can I spend the night over your house?" I asked feeling a little awkward.

"Um...i have to ask my aunt" he said

"Ok" I said

He pulled out his phone calling his aunt. At first the conversation started off like she was gonna say no. But he hung up and he said she said yes.

I parked my car

"Finally I am starving" Jake said carrying the pizza boxes.


We got in front my doorstep and i needed to get the keys but I had pizza boxes in my hand.

"Chres" I said "could you Im reach in my back pocket to get my keys"

He smiled and licked his lips.

Oh boy

He put his hand in my back pocket taking his sweat time to get the keys. He finally got them unlocking the door.

"Aunt I'm home!" I'm yelled.

I heard footsteps coming down and it was my little brother

"She went out she'll be back " He said. "Ohhh you brought me pizza"

I sigh and gave chres his pizza box and he went up stairs.

I open my box giving my little brother 2 slices of pizza.

"Thank jakeey" he said running back to his room

"You welcome" I smiled.

I went the kitchen grabbing two sodas and walked up stairs into my room.

"It took you long enough" chres said

"Shut up" I said as I went go sit my stuff on the night stand.

"Make me" he smirked.

I claimed on the bed and I kissed him. I lips moved in sync. he grab waist and added tongue.

"Jacob you order pizza without!" Jaden bust through the door

I parted from chres quickly and looked at Jaden

"Me" she said starting at me and chres. She froze like an statue.

I'm so in hot water


What will Jaden say about this?




You and I (Royce) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now