Chapter 13

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I sitting down listening to me without you by Jasmine v

But I'm sorry for the way that I screamed said those things I don't mean I love the way you love me yeah

I listen as the lyrics was made me feel bad for what I have done to chres. I broken his heart. I tried calling him but no answer.

"I'm leaving out aunt Kerri". I said as I put on my jacket.

"Ok be back soon and be careful" she said continuing watching tv.

I grab my keys and bus pass heading out. I waited at the bus stop. All I had on was some grey sweat pants and my Adidas slippers with some socks. I had on a white v-neck shirt. I had my hair in a ponytail. The bus finally came I hop aboard. I saw sitting at a seat with no one sitting by her. I took a seat by her

"Hi honey". Ms. Flowers said greeting me was the church cook and choir captain. She was really nice and caring.

"Hi ms. Flowers" I said giving her an hug

"Where you heading honey?" She smiled

"Too a friend house I hurt this person and I want to apologize". I said

"Oh a girl" she gushed.

"Um sure" I giggled not trying to notice that I was lying. mostly go by the bible every single scripture.

"Aww well I hope your friend understands" she said.

We talk about different things. I love talking to Ms. Flowers she very funny.

I saw my stop

"Well I talk to you later" I said getting up

"Ok well you be careful baby" she said.

"I will" I said getting off the bus.

As I got off the bus the neighborhood was quiet. Night was hitting so I better hurry to his house. Thats if he still wanna talk to me. I finally got his house and I tried texting him.

(Text convo)

Me: chres


Nothing.... well that sucks. I went to his door and knocked and his mom answer.

" Jacob chres friend". I said

"Oh hold on" she said "Chres come here somebody here for you!"

2 minutes I waited and I saw him come down with no shirt and red and black basket ball short. With some black grey Nike socks.

He saw me and his expression harden.

"What". He said coldly.

I notice a little chain around his neck hanging to his chest.

"I'm sorry". I said

"Ok...thats all". He said blankly.

I was hurt

"Well that's all I wanted to say" I said as I was about walk off the porch.

"Wait...jacob". I heard him say

I turn around to face him

"It's to cold I don't want you walking home...come in". He said.

I obeyed what he say and came in...i saw his little 12 year old sister and she walked in her room. I followed chres as I walked into a room with white and brownish walls a big flat screen tv hanging on a wall with an play station 4 connected to it. He had white carpet and his walls was spotless. His bed had white sheets and black covers matching one white pillow and one black pillow.

"Make your self comfortable...Ill go ask my mom can you stay". He said leaving out.

I took off my jacket and notice I couldn't find the closet. Then I notice a medium size mirror and i tried to slide the thing aside and it work. I grab a hanger and hung my jacket. I slide it aside.

I took my slides off and put them together under his bed.

I climb into his bed and it felt soft and comfortable. I saw him come with some Doritos nacho cheese flavor of course with a jar of cheese dip.

"So my mom said course as long if it's ok with your parent...oh I brought a snack if you don't mind and the mini fridge is right there" he pointed by his window

"Everything good thanks". I smiled

I got out the bed

He closes his door and came in the room fully dropping the snacks on the bed

"I'm sorry...chres I'm sorry I hurt you...i didn't mean those words I said...i never realize you like and I love they way you like me". I said begin to tear up.

"I'm so so-" I was cut off with him smashing his lip in mines. He was so gentle as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around him. He sat me on the bed not breaking the kiss. Then he broke it.

"Jacob it's ok...i shouldn't have put pressure on you". He smiled crashing my chin

"Well you must be rich" I said changing the subject

"Please don't call it that its a regular house my mom owns a restaurant and my dad is a musician". He shrugged

"This is the chres I haven't seen before...the one I know use to bully me and was sexually frustrated" I said sarcastically

"Well I can finally put that sexual on I don't want to I gain a friend" he blushed

"Boyfriend" I corrected

"It's a official?" He asked

"It's official lets just not tell anyone yet" I said smirking.

He gave me another kiss

"Ok" he smiled he climbed into his bed

"Where my sleeping bag cover anything?" I said

"Um your laying with me". He said opening the bag of chips

"Wouldn't your mom wonder something?" I raised a brow

"My mom going to work in a few" he said

"Oh" I said blankly

He grab his Ps4 controller and put on Netflix. He put on indious 2. for some reason ghost movies kinda put me to sleep

"Ghost movies makes me sleepy" I whined.

"Well you won't fall asleep tonight" he said already eating

"I'll try" I sigh.

I grab my phone and texted my aunt that I'm staying over a friend house. She said ok and told me goodnight.

After 30 minutes I was asleep. When slightly open my eyes I heard the Ps4 getting cut off and the lights. Chres climbed under the covers and put overs over me. He put his arms around not pulling close but close to him and after that I completely fell asleep


They cute or whatever sorry for a late late update

P.s. Sorry for errors I'll fix them whenever




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