Chapter 30

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School finally started backup and its the same as it was before summer started. It's been 1 month since I haven't talked to chres. It's breaks my heart that I had to break up with him. But i had to keep him safe. I know I broken his heart.

Suddenly I was ambush by lani attacking me with and hug

"Hey!" She said

"Hey" I smiled

"Wassup?" She asked

"Nothing much" I said

We finally walked into the school and chres was there by the cafeteria. When we got close the cafeteria entrance I just walked in ignoring chres.

"Ok somethings up" lani said

"What lani" I sighed

"I mean you walked pass chres" she said

"Cause we not public dating yet" I said rolling my eyes "and we broke up"

"What!" Lani squealed "why?"

"Lani I don't want to talk about it" I said

"But you and chres are cute together" lani whined

"Yea maybe it was a signal that it was time to cut it off" I said fighting the urge to cry.

"I don't think it was time for it to cut it off" lani said.

We took a seat at the table.  Then Jaden and Andre sat down at the table.

"Wassup?" Andre asked

"Jacob here broke up with chres" lani said crossing her arms.

"Oh my gosh" I folded my arms

"Why" Andre asked.

"It's nothing" I said ignoring the question.

"Jacob I th-" Jaden was cut off by the principle.

We had a new principle this year. She looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s. I can say she looked really beautiful. She resembles Lauren London. Well that's my opinion of course.

"Hello! Ladies and Gents" she raised her voice. "As you all heard I am the new principle."

"Damn she fine as shit" I heard boy whisper under he breath

Here's another thing I hate. I know that "fine as shit" is a slang and is a compliment. But really hear your self shit can't be fine. Also every girl is not gonna be like thanks and hook up with you. Some girls hate to be talked that way.

"My name is Ms. Sharraz" she said

Everyone started to say hi in unison. After that she gave a little speech of where she come and stuff and each one of us started to get our class sheets. Me lani were in the same class for 2 periods. Then me and Andre were in the same class. Jaden was taking all 3 AP classes and 2 regular classes of course cause she's a senior.

My first class chemistry which I already know this year was going to be difficult. I notice Davina was in this class.

"Hello I'm Mr. Finned" he held a hand for me to shake.

I grabbed it and shook it

He looked at his paper attached to the clipboard

"Ah your next to Davina" he said

"Sorry lani I guess we're not next to each other for this class" I turned to her giving her a tease smile.

You and I (Royce) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now